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Today was the day it slowed to 500 miles per hour. I think. Was that yesterday? Perhaps today it was planed to reach 400. I suppose it doesn’t matter either way; It’s hard to remember many things at this point. It was only a matter of time before science went too far and became humanity’s downfall. But who would have guessed it would be the downfall of the existence of life anywhere?

One year ago it was announced over the news that a new method of harnessing dark energy had been discovered. I never understood all the details on what this meant, or how they were able to do it, but I do remember it being explained that dark energy was basically the building blocks of gravity. To be even more exact, it is basically was holds the universe together on a quantum level. Being able to control or manipulate this energy would mean that unlimited possibilities would be at humanities disposal, and it was very exciting. But also very scary. Scary because America was currently on the brink of World War III and this new discovery was planned to be used for military purposes.

A few months passed and The Soviet Union and The British Empire had begun their strikes on each other. There was constant threat of nuclear weapons being used, and America was on the verge of becoming involved. NATO was very much against the experiments planned for controlling dark energy. Many researchers believed that tampering with such energy meant messing with the fabrics of space and time itself and, no matter what precautions were planned, could result in catastrophic and unimaginable effects on the Earth or even affect the very laws of physics themselves. A facility had already been prepared in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert in New Mexico for testing purposes. The matter wasn’t debated long until there was evidence to suggest nuclear weapon strikes from The Soviet Union and China on The British Empire and possibly the United States. Testing was planned to start immediately.
The incident occurred two months ago. America managed to stay out of the war for the time being, but The Soviets were still at war with China and most of Europe laid in ruin. No one knows how it happened, since nobody there lived to tell the tale, but at 12 o clock noon on Tuesday June 10th, and earthquake was felt across the world. A 7.8 level Earthquake was recorded in every continent, country, state and city that lasted 5 minutes long. Breaking news reported that the facility in New Mexico had been destroyed… but “destroyed” isn’t even the right word for it. A pitch black sphere now existed where the facility once was, and took up the entire desert. It was almost as if reality had disappeared from the place. Shortly after, New Mexico soon had to be closed off from the rest of the country. Not even an hour after the incident occurred, people in cities surrounding the desert began to go mad. People claiming to hear voices, hideous deformities and diseases fell upon hundreds, and people began killing other people in the streets. Anyone who would reach a 50 mile proximity to the sphere would begin to suffer from one of the many ailments that befell the poor citizens. Word of what science had brought upon humanity spread quickly, and the war came to end with the arrival of worse news.

A few weeks after the incident it was discovered by NASA astronomers that the rotation of the Earth had begun to slow down little by little. An estimated 11.2 seconds per day, but each day it seemed to become a little bit more. It wasn’t long before the rotation of the Earth went from 1,000 miles per hour to 800. And it wasn’t just our planet. The moon and other planets in our solar system seemed to be showing similar symptoms in their gravitational behaviors. It wasn’t just the Earth’s rotation slowing down. Time itself was slowing down. It was clear without any studies being done that whatever happened in the desert that day was the cause. In another months time, the rotation of the planet had slowed to 400 miles per hour. The air itself began to become heavy, almost damp, and the fate of existence was slowly becoming accepted.

I continued to live my remaining days at home with my wife and son. I don’t know what was happening in the rest of the world,or with my friends or other family, but attempting to talk was like trying to read something far away while yawning. We had accepted our fate. Today was the day we knew it would all end. I approached my son and wife on the couch in our living room. The air felt like there were heavy curtains in front of me as I tried to reach my destination. I sat in between the two of them, and gave them each a slow turn and smile. “I love you’s” were stretched out of our heavy mouths one last time before the shift was felt beneath our feet, as I felt the universe itself stop all around us. And there we stayed, frozen and damned for all eternity, smiling at one another.

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6 years ago

Tasty pasta.
But TBH I scientifically it impossible to detect the change in time cause if time slows down so would you and your mind wouldn’t detect it.

Toastnlock avatar
6 years ago

This Creepypasta has a good balance between fiction and reality, the concept of dark magic and the control of space and time being fictional, but with just enough realism in there to make the audience think, and Creepypastas that make me think are my favorites. Excellent job.

6 years ago

If the world slowly stopped turning it wouldn’t slow time but would, in fact, cause mass extinction. If the earth stopped rotating people wouldn’t stop moving but the environment would be effected in such a manner that it would cause extinction everywhere. half the planet would always be day and half would always be night, thus causing half the worlds oceans to boil and half to freeze. also without the rotation the oceans would be pulled to earths poles.

absolutecancer avatar
6 years ago

the whole universe would not slow down, it wouls simply affect the nearest

7 years ago

probably some scienceeeeee missstakes AAANNDD there were many big words BUUUT I’m one to read big words *wink *wink

I need help I’m too tired

7 years ago

The idea had merit, as long as I read this from the view of a different universe with different Laws I can see it I suppose. Good imagination.

Stacked upon the theory of collision causing tiny little black holes through experiments with the LHC.

Omfi avatar
7 years ago

It made me google quantum physics great job

7 years ago

That was horrific, in a good way. Its horrifying to think if this will come true. Nice pasta!

7 years ago

[spoiler]Wouldnt time start
going backwards?[/spoiler]

7 years ago

If they are frozen how did he write this? Either way it was a great story.

Ugavemethecreeps avatar
7 years ago

Really like it.

8 years ago

I like the initial idea but I can’t get past the idea that if the entire universe slowed down, we wouldn’t be able to observe it as we would have no reference point. And when it gives a rate for the rotation of the earth, an “hour”, as we observe it would still seem like an hour because the activity of our brains would be slowed down as well.

mctammany13 avatar
8 years ago

A nice touch of current events.

MickiD21 avatar
8 years ago

I live in New Mexico even if that desert is not here but further south I know we have the labs and space out here to do that. Maybe I should move.

Who_needs_sleep avatar
8 years ago

THIS COULD HAPPEN I THINK or maybe I’m just dumb for thinking that this could happen…

8 years ago

A few grammatical errors, and the explanations were too long….skipped forward to the end- which was good. Just meh for me.

DarkWorm avatar
8 years ago

Nice, but I don’t think THAT would stop WWIII.

AshenBloodBeast avatar
8 years ago

Wonderfully done. very interesting concept that iv never really heard before in terms of creepypastas. ^^ keep up the good work.

ichigo avatar
8 years ago

i loved it it was a really good story an dit makes you think about life

9 years ago

I freaking love this. 10/10 hearts exploded.