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Weird Kid

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Weird Kid

Weird Kid

by Robby Lumbard

My cousin got me into reading the stories on this site a few months ago so I figured this would be the place to tell this crazy shit. I don’t guess it lives up to “Abandoned by Disney” or some of the other really bizarre ones on here but my story’s true so maybe that earns it some extra points.

For you to completely understand the creepy level of what I’m about to write, you’ve got to know a little about the weird kid from the title. You probably all had somebody like him in your school. He was a year behind me and my friend, Garret, and the kind of kid that made you want to punch him in the face just for being so strange. I felt it sometimes and I’m not really even a violent guy. So anyway, this goofy looking, awkward son of a bitch is always by himself at school, reading something and not even trying to be normal. He’d dress out for gym but then just sit on the bleachers and mumble like a moron if Coach Brown tried to get him to participate. I only tried to talk to him one time and got the same retarded, mumbling response. All I did was ask him why he acted like such a loser and he gets tears in his eyes and turns into a stuttering idiot.

So anyway, I, like everybody else, was annoyed by the kid. Garret, on the other hand, couldn’t fucking stand him. He would always trip the little weirdo when he was walking in the hall or try to embarrass him in front of everyone. Garret’s always been a good friend but he’s not exactly known for being the nicest guy in the world. I think Garret sort of felt like he was helping the kid though. Maybe he thought if “Dickless” (that’s what Garret usually called him) realized how stupid he looked to all the other kids in school, he’d make some effort to be normal.

Whatever the reason, Garret loved torturing the kid but didn’t really get violent with things until this year. Garret and I are Juniors and and I think we both started to feel the senioritis thing early. In stead of tripping him, Garret started walking up to the kid and bitch slapping him in between classes. Most people laughed but some, myself included, to be honest, thought it was a little harsh. The closet thing was funny and seemed pretty harmless, though.

Before homeroom every morning, all the students had to stand outside and wait for the first bell to ring before we could go to class. A really dumb idea, by the way. So anyway, Garret decided at some point that he couldn’t stand seeing the weird kid standing outside with everyone else and starts making him stand in this little supply closet on the side of the school. It wasn’t like Garret even had to force the kid in or anything. I always assumed he was probably happier being by himself, truthfully.

The closet routine happened for months until about a week ago. Garret goes to put the kid in his spot that morning and this is where things took a turn onto Creepy Street. The kid didn’t start walking when Garret told him to and looked Garret right in the eyes with this psycho glare. Garret just starting laughing, but, before anyone knows it, the kid reaches out and scratches the shit out of Garret’s face. I heard later that somebody noticed the little lunatic’s fingernails had been filed to points but I don’t know if that’s true. All I know is that the scratch on Garret’s face was deep and there was blood dripping from his face like I’ve never seen from any fight. Garret was shocked but jumped on top of the kid and started beating the hell out of him. The kid’s face was probably just about as bloody as Garret’s by the time a teacher broke things up. Both Garret and the kid were suspended and, though everyone was surprised at what happened, we all thought that was that. Then the really crazy shit came out.

Our principal started looking into what happened and, of course, some narc freshman told her about how Garret had the kid stand in the closet every morning. When the principal looked in there, she found where the crazy son of a bitch had written all kinds of serial killer shit on the side of a bookcase. There weren’t full sentences and it just said really creepy stuff like “skin them alive” and “taste your blood.” There was also a piece of metal from a rolling tv stand that the kid had sharpened. I guess he was a cutter because it already had blood all over it. There’s a stupid rumor going around that the kid used the knife he made to cut out his tongue, but that’s just people trying to make an already weird story even weirder.

Alright, that’s what happened. I know it doesn’t have some really dramatic ending but I thought it met the creepy requirement to post it here. I’m more jealous of Garret than anything. He’s got the kind of parents that don’t care about him being suspended so he’s basically just got his days free to play video games or drive around or whatever. I spoke to him this morning and he was planning to go to the kid’s house and either apologize or give him more shit. I don’t think Garret was sure yet. Either way, I’ll update this when I talk to

robby cant finish his story
hes lost a lot of blood and his hands arent going to work anymore

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23 days ago

The ending was great. 4/5

Weirdacraze avatar
6 years ago


Proxy923 avatar
6 years ago

I’m confused, was it Garrett in the very end or the “weird kid”?

StephenKingFan12139 avatar


Maolios avatar
6 years ago

The narrator’s crappy personality is the part that makes the story seem more realistic. People in the comments are up in arms about it, but that’s part of storytelling: perspective. Not a bad pasta, all things considered. Just not poo your pants scary 4/5

Kittycathp123 avatar
6 years ago

Isnt the point to not be real but seem as If it were?

faceinthemirror avatar
6 years ago

not for me..

The_World_is_Ugly avatar
7 years ago

Not to be rude, but what the hell? This kid is “creepy” because he reads books and prefers to be alone, and after being bitchslapped, tripped, name called, forced to stand in a closet for who knows how long, it’s no suprise at the end at all. And that little twist has no build up, it just happens and therefore doesn’t work. The scariest thing in this story is the blantent and almost condoned bullying of this kid.

Cpt.creep avatar
7 years ago

I am the weird kid at school

7 years ago

Well, the kid really needs some counseling. Nonetheless, what your friend did was bullying. If I were to stand in that kid’s shoes, I would have done something bad to him too. maybe a broken bone or two. the point is, if you want to bully someone, you should suffer from consequences. the kid didn’t even do something bad to you guys so why make fun of him. that is if the story is real.

7 years ago

It was great it was close to reality was very psychotic keep up the good work!!

7 years ago

Good story. We all had that one kid in class that was just weird. I’ve always wondered if kids like that turn sadistic because of the torture they went through. Therapy for all. Woo Hoo.

7 years ago

To be honest I actually thought the ending was funny.. Great story, though

LookBehindYou... avatar
7 years ago

Wow. Poor kid. Still a crazy person but, poor kid.

AnimeFreak1227 avatar
7 years ago

Wow, dat weird kid was weird. I wasn’t really scared until the end, that made meh stomach drop like I had put a boulder in it. Other then dat, it was okay :/

7 years ago

Basically your just a frickin bully. Why hate somebody because they are different? The most scary image from this story is you snickerin and egging on your bully friend as he harrases this poor kid. poor show.

msandrea22 avatar
7 years ago

I like how the bullies got theirs but I still don’t like the way the narrarator seems to condone the evil acts of his friend. If you made him more sympathetic I would of maybe gave a shit at his [spoiler]demise in the end[/spoiler]

Maryjane4920 avatar
7 years ago

It’s sad that we can all relate to this story on some level, R.I.P. Gayvin

GK_12345 avatar
7 years ago

When’s your next creepypasta coming, because you are amazing!

GK_12345 avatar
7 years ago

Amazing story!