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I’ve always loved the dark.

It feels warm and welcoming. Like a mask, hiding all the stress and emotion that the daylight shows so explicitly and replacing them with a sensuous feeling. The dark reveals your true nature and abolishes the facade you play during the daytime.

Yes. The dark is good. You can be yourself in the dark and not feel judged or threatened all the while by being yourself.

That’s why I love the night so much. You can just relax in the blackness, surrounded by nothing but shadow. Allowing the dark to overcome your senses and numb them down until you feel nothing at all but complete weightlessness.

Then, when sleep finally takes control, you are thrusted into even deeper darkness. Infinite darkness. Just black empty space. An endless void your mind creates to help you drift off into unconsciousness.

But why? Why is it always black? Have you ever thought about that? Whenever we close our eyes, we are met with black. But why?

You don’t notice it, do you? You don’t think about it. It’s just there. Like breathing, blinking. After a while your subconscious just accepts that when we close our eyes, we see darkness. Empty darkness.

Why is it then that people are scared of the dark?

An average human being will sleep for 229,961 hours of their lifetime. For one whole third of their life, they will live in darkness. Complete and utter darkness.

If we really were scared of the dark, why do we have the ability to close our eyes and sleep for so long. So long in the black oblivion.

You see, I think no one is truly afraid of the dark. That’s just an illusion. An illsuion we produce to trick ourselves into thinking that there is no such thing as monsters.

We’ve all heard that story haven’t we?

About the night terrors that roam around in the night – claws raised, teeth bared – ready to attack the young, naive child as they sleep in their beds, unaware of their demonic presence because they can’t see them. Don’t lie to yourself, you were like that once. Sitting awake, clutching at the sheets as your stare at your ceiling or glancing around your room. Perhaps you had a nightlight. A ‘Holy Crucifix’ of sorts that were used to ward off the monsters. To protect you.

Well I think, as you grow up, you begin to tell yourself that in all your childlike innocence, you were never scared of the evil that lurked in the shadows, you were simply afraid of the dark. That’s what you believe. As you grow up, you tend to grow out of this fear and relish in the dark like I do. But this fear can remain with you in adulthood. In fact it’s one of the most common phobias – nyctophobia. Even as a fully matured adult, you still fear the emptiness.

Or do you?

You see, the statistics prove that we spend a long time sleeping. A long time in the dark. We never seem to mind, even if we are terribly scared of that darkness. But why?

I think your subconscious is telling you that they are still there. A small part of you still holds strong on your childhood memories of being alone in the dark with the night terrors. But this time, you have no light to guard you. Obviously adults don’t tend to own those little night lights anymore do they? They say they don’t need them anymore. They call it a silly childhood fear of the dark. They say there is no such thing as night terrors.

But what do they know? If they lived long enough to mature into adulthood, they’ve probably never seen one.

My opinion is that we all have nyctophilia. A general love for the dark that helps us sleep. Even those that claim they have a fear for the night. They love the dark. I love the dark.

You really were never scared of the dark. It really was an illusion our minds created to reassure ourselves we are safe at night.

To reassure us that there are no such things as night terrors.

I love the dark. I always have. It feels…. Homely. Warm and comforting. Like I’ve always been in the dark. It’s fun being in the dark. Feeling free. Feeling… Safe.

I know you like the dark too. When you come home from work, tired and tense, and you flop onto your bed, stretching your aching muscles, getting ready to sleep. Yes. You love the dark. I know.

You still fear it though. An occasional scan around your room before you allow your body to shift into sleep mode. It’s amusing really.

You know damn straight what you fear and it ain’t the dark.

It’s me.

I like watching you sleep. The way you toss and turn, the way you sigh contently when you get comfortable… The way you jump up in surprise when you hear a noise.

You haven’t changed much from when you were a child. Not really. You still fear me.

But this time, I’m not going to let you get away. You are unprotected now. No nightlight. No nothing. Completely and utterly alone in the dark.

With me.

I’ve always loved the dark.

So have you.

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My name is of no concern...

But I'm a youthful British female who enjoys the darker side of things and relishes in reading and creating Creepypastas. My favourite Creepypasta is BEN Drowned proabably because Legend of Zelda is my favourite game franchise. I also like Slenderman VS Jeff (not the original Jeff story though because although the concept is good, it's so unrealistic and therefore not scary) and I also really like Abandoned by Disney, 1999 and mainly any story around the SCP Foundation. Most of the Creepypatsas I write are based off my life (not literally, I do not go around killing people or torturing people and I'm most definitely not insane!) and therefore I feel my Pastas mean quite much to me.

Hope you enjoy any of my stories if you take the liberty of reading them :)

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Proxy923 avatar
6 years ago

Holy shit! I shouldn’t have read this at 2:45am

CommanderMeouch avatar
6 years ago

Oh man. I loved the little twist at the end. And there was a lot of creepy truth in the pasta. Good job sir, good job!!!!

Forgetmenot_ForgottenRegardless11003 avatar

gotta say loved the intro to the story not to bad of a read

7 years ago

Even though I’m not afraid of the dark itself, I am terrified of what can hide in the dark. That is why I have a lava lamp near my bed, and a nightlight by the door. (Also so that I don’t trip on anything when getting up to use the bathroom.)

7 years ago

Guess who’s not sleeping tonight??

WarrenRazor avatar
7 years ago

It really loses its creepiness when it’s a super predictable ending. You made it obvious from the start. The writing and grammar is pretty good though.

unknowntemptation avatar
7 years ago

i truly liked this, but the thing is i love the dark i’m just terrified of what’s in it.

7 years ago

Like the short and sweet of it, but it was repetitive in wording. Different adjectives or rewording the idea in different ways would have been great. I like the ending, just wish there were less repetition.

CreepyCartoonDisneyDog avatar

Spooky. I didn’t see that ending coming. Great creepypasta

7 years ago


I am currently working on a youtube project in which I will be featuring some creepy pastas. I loved this pasta and would be honored to feature it on my channel. It is my rule however that I get permission from any author before featuring their work. This is of course for copywrite purposes as well as personal respect for the authors. I was unable to find any contact information for you though. If you could please email me at [email protected] to let me know if I may please use this pasta on my project.

Thank you
Quipster Puck

7 years ago

This was really good. I enjoyed the POV at the end.

SkepticalSkeptic avatar
7 years ago

The twist was boring

emptypie avatar
7 years ago

i was not expecting that ending xD, great write

Scykz avatar
7 years ago

I liked this story. Its not your usual creepypasta but its something new and made me get some chills. Because I didn’t expect the end to be like that. It was great!

Hae avatar
7 years ago

My first thought was ‘oh damn’. Good job! [spoiler] I honestly didn’t expect the narrator to be a shadow monster or something.[/spoiler]

7 years ago

I actually quite enjoyed this pasta. Finally one of these story’s managed to give me house bumps. I give a 10 on this.

7 years ago

loved it very creepy with a nice twist.

vizthex avatar
7 years ago

Very philosophical. Good read.

UnknownZ avatar
7 years ago

I’ll never think of the dark the same. 😀

7 years ago

Wow, that twist though. In regards to the first comment, I believe that the point of view was altered, in order to flip the purpose of the anecdote. You even used a fallacy, Appeal to Ethos, in order to provide reassurence of the main character, that he knew how much time humans spent in the dark. The repetition of the phrase, “I love the dark, so do you” was very important, for it foreshadowed the outcome of the anecdote. Overall, the story was compeling and spectacular!