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10 min read

My Last Wish

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My Last Wish

There was once a girl, whom I loved dearly…

It was a night of solitude. I had been on my laptop mindlessly browsing the web, until I received a notification on Facebook, “Vida Rose requests to be your friend.” I accepted without a thought to mind, believing she must had found me through mutual friend suggestions. Throughout the night, I continued my browsing until the friend requester spontaneously messaged me, with a simple yet pleasant “Hi.” Despite the mysterious, and sudden messaging, I replied back out of good will with a mere “Hello.” From that point, we began speaking in-depth about one another, our hobbies, our lives, a few short stories of our past. It was a pleasant conversation… We’ve learned that we both lived on the West Coast, I being from California, and herself being from Washington. As it grew late, I bid my farewells, and she bid hers…

Days later as I returned home from my evening shift, I began my usual ritual of checking my social media messages. As soon as I opened the Facebook tab, Vida messaged me instantly with a greeting, and a smiley. Such as the nights before… we spoke more, and I discovered how much in common I had with this mysterious individual… We had seemingly found that we loved the same music, the same types of books, and hell… even our love of horror movies… One particular interest of hers that I did not understand was her fascination with wishes. She was greatly envious of simple things… Such as mere walks in the night just to gaze up at the stars, or to people-watch from afar, to conceive stories for each individual she observed. I asked her… “Why don’t you do such things?” To which she sadly replied…

“I.… I don’t want to experience them alone..” Puzzled, I asked “No friends… No boyfriend?” She suddenly grew quietly… then “… ):” appeared. Obviously a sensitive subject, I changed the topic…

The consistency of our chats rose tremendously to the point of daily messaging. Every evening after my shift… I enjoyed her company, her stories, her passions, her sweet witty remarks. I enjoyed them greatly… Despite the fact we were so far away.

My curiosity continued on why her profile picture was blank, she had absolutely no pictures of herself… So finally I asked “Vida… Why don’t you have a picture of yourself on here?”

She answered quickly. “Oh… I just don’t like my face, I’m not an attractive girl, you see.”

My desire for her identity hungered more. “What if I liked it? Maybe even falling in love with it,” I replied. She sent me a smile, showing a sign of delight, and thus she stayed quiet momentarily. Fearing… I had offended her, I rushed to apologize, but her message came too soon, and before me on that bright screen was a beautiful pale face, a gorgeous face to be exact… Her silky black hair hung past her shoulders, her beautiful blue eyes that held the ocean within them, her perfect cheekbones, and her small yet cute pointed nose. She was… breathtaking. My mind was scrambling for compliments, on descriptive ways to say “You’re beautiful.” But I crumbled, and just said “See? I fell in love with It.” “You’re just saying that.” She replied, adding a heart and a smiley at the end of the sentence…”No, no I’m not.” I happily replied. Once it grew late, we said our nightly farewells, and parted ways, but her face lingered upon my mind, even as I slept, I dreamt of her heavenly eyes, and beautiful face… I was in love…

Two months after our encounter with one another upon social media, it seemed as if we’ve… developed feelings for one another, as she flirted with me, and I flirted with her. Until finally it came down to “Do you want to be with me?” She asked after a night of heartwarming exchanges regarding our childhoods. My heart-sunk within my chest, bursting in absolute glee, slight terror, but just pure bliss… I sat there, sheepishly smiling like a fool delaying on my reply.

“I’d be a fool to reject, so I’m going to have to take you up on that offer. :)” I said in acceptance. From there, our first “I love you… ” was said weeks later.

Our usual text conversations began to take place on the phone regularly. Her voice was soft, and pleasant to the ear…It was as beautiful as her appearance… I was starting to speculate I must had been dating an Angel. Although, her voice beheld a sort of sadness to it, which I cannot understand… It was a feeling of pain, of loneliness, of despair. I wanted to take her sadness away…

“Do you remember those wishes I told you about, the ones I desired? She added on “I’d love if you’d be the one that I experienced them with… ” her Voice ever so gentle. I whispered with a smile… “Gladly.”

Six months within the relationship, we had arranged for me to visit her in Washington for two weeks. I called out of work using the vacation days which I had never used before, and thus I booked a flight to Seattle.

We continuously texted before I boarded the plane. Each message with “I love you… ” and “I can’t wait… ”

The flight lingered on for what seemed to be forever, being stuck in an everlasting purgatory. I kept playing movies within my head of our first encounter… Would I kiss her? Would I hug her? Would she dislike me? So many anxieties engulfing me…

It was once I arrived at the airport had I begun to feel ever more anxious. I took a cramped monorail to Downtown Seattle. Once I arrived in the city, I called her… and told her that I had arrived. She gave me the name of a coffee shop nearby that she wanted to meet me at, and thus like that… I left my bags at the hotel, and began my journey. My heart pounded heavily within my chest, worsening as I appeared closer to my destination. I arrived to find myself utterly alone, staring at the moon. I felt impatience devour me. I stood there nervously, and thought “What if she’s not even real, was I a fool to believe her… ?” Doubt consumed my mind as the minutes went by, until a slight tap upon my shoulder sent chills down my spine. “Hi.” That heavenly voice… The one that I was ever so familiar with… The one, which I fell in love with greeted me… I froze in shock, and turned to her, her dark silky hair that flown down her shoulders, her slim face, and beautiful blue eyes stood before me in the flesh… Before I could say a word, she grasped me tightly, wrapping her arms around my waist. I smiled… I cannot stop smiling, I felt like crying…

“I can cross this wish off my list… ” She whispered.

After a short, and loving exchange, she took my hand, and led me through the area, ushering me to a nearby park. It was void of life, except for her and I. She tug on my hand, pulling me to the center of a grassy field, plopping us down upon the ground. She held my hand… So tenderly, and thus we gazed up at the glimmering night sky with billions of stars shining down upon us. “I don’t think they’ll ever be lonely… There’s so many of them.” She said sweetly. “I don’t think we’ll ever be lonely… ” I said to her with a smile, staring off into her eyes. She giggled. “Another wish off my list,” “She whispered ever so softly.

She took my hand once more, and thus we travelled to a bridge. she nudged me to sit with her on the edge, and there we watched the lights of the city flicker brilliantly throughout the darkness. She peered over, and stared at the people from far below. “What stories do you think each hold?” She asked, curiously smiling at me. “We’ll make them as they go.” I smiled.

It was a wondrous night to which I wished had no end. I had never been so happy before in my existence. Her hand, though cold… was the most pleasing thing I’ve ever felt. Her skin pale, was brighter than the stars, her blue eyes, being that of the most gracious thing I’ve ever seen… I had fell in love, and I wanted to be with her forever…

She held my hand, and led me to her apartment. She struggled to open her door. “It seems to be locked?” I noticed. “Oh… I think the key is below the mat.” She pointed out. I kneeled down, took the key from beneath it, and she smiled “Mind doing the honors?” I smiled back, “Of course.” I slid the key into the lock, and quietly I opened the door.

I ambled in gradually, observing the lack of furniture. She laughed shyly. “I’m still moving in as you can see… Want to see something? She smiled with delight, pulling me to the glass door to the balcony, pushing me outside with her, and there we stood eyes locked upon the Seattle Space Needle. The top illumining ever so beautifully… A beacon of light, ever so high… Suddenly, I felt her soft hands touch my face, and thus she whispered “My last wish… ” Placing her lips upon mine, Her lips were cold, but filled of life, and beauty. We stood there, her face pressed against mine, my face full of blood, and my eyes closed… I never wanted this night to perish.

An unknown voice alerted me. “Sir, are you the owner of this condo? I didn’t know someone moved in.” I turned around to the man, more or so a concerned neighbor. I frowned at him in confusion. “This is Vida’s home… She’s right here with me.” His eyes widen in shock. “Wait… What? She’s been dead for a little more than a year… She used to live here… Poor girl jumped off the balcony… She was alone, sad, no one knew her very well… ” I felt chills slither down my back as he explained this to me. My heart froze in place, as the sudden realization struck me down like a bolt of lightning. “She was… right-I” My throat grew heavy as I stumbled upon my words unable to speak. I held her key in my hand tightly, clenching it, until I loosened my grip and allowed it to fall freely upon the ground beside me.

“I… I should go.” Muttering in desolation. I took one broken step at a time, feeling the weight of my misery fall upon my heart… Tears fell from my eyes as I sat in torment outside. “I was such a fool.” I mumbled to myself. How did I not see the signs? Her vague appearances, her cold touch… Her inability to unlock the door herself… She was never here… I cried excessively, feeling my heartache transcend to physical agony.

I felt my tears wiped away… with a soothing, gentle touch, and a kiss upon my cheek forcing a smile upon my lips…

It was then… I gazed up, and I saw here standing on the balcony, mouthing these words…

“You are my last wish… ”

There was once a girl, whom I loved dearly…

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