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Red Stairs

The weekend was the time when somebody like me, a 12-year-old boy, didn’t have much to do apart from playing alone in the house. My mother kept an eye on me at all times, and I can’t really blame her, after all, I think I broke every single window in this house at least twice. That’s why I’m not allowed to play football indoors anymore.

I was getting so bored that I decided to go up and down the stairs. Up and down, up and down… That was literally the only thing I was doing that day. Mum passed by and shouted: “Please stop fooling around!”, while my brother didn’t even bother to say anything. Despite that, I kept on going up and down the stairs and I started counting the stairs to kill some time. I counted 14 steps, again and again. My brother passed by once again and whispered something like: “What a numskull”, so I returned the “compliment” even though he didn’t really seem to listen to what I said. I went up the stairs once again, but this time I counted 16 steps. I thought that I made a mistake, since I counted the 14 steps like 10 times today, so I decided to count them again. They were 14, yeah, it must have been a mistake. That being said, I got bored with the stairs so I went to watch some TV instead.

The following day, I resumed my routine of running around the house. I ran under the tables, went into my brother’s room when he was away, and so on. I was pretty old for these things, but I was so bored that I would have done anything to kill some time. Finally, I went down the stairs and counted them once again. 18 steps. Something was wrong. I counted them again and this time there were 15. I rushed to my brother and told him about it. He wasn’t really interested, but since I kept asking, he had to get up and count them for himself. He counted 14 steps right before my eyes then went back to his room and shut the door.

I was so frustrated and confused, that I decided to try something different. I covered my eyes and started going down the stairs while counting them. 1,2,3,4,5… I got to the 18th step again, but strangely enough, it wasn’t the last; 19,20,21,22 and I kept on counting, there seemed to have no end, it was weird; our stairs couldn’t be that long. 40,41,42, Where would they end?

I spent over an hour going down the stairs, I was already at the 120th step and still counting. I wanted to open my eyes, the curiosity was killing me, but I wanted to reach the last step before opening them. Slowly the silence faded away, leaving place for some strange whistle sounds. Step by step, other weird sounds started to appear: rumbles, scratches and some kind of dragging noises. The sounds were stronger and clearer with each step I took. I thought I heard a muffled scream when I finally reached the last one. The 666th step. I just froze; feeling like my throat was being choked by some kind of pressure. The sounds stopped as soon as I reached the last step. I wanted to open my eyes, but I was afraid of what I would see. It was very hot, like the heat coming out of an oven or a very hot summer night. I was struggling to breathe. I was too scared to open my eyes, so I just walked around whilst feeling the walls with my hands.

I reached another set of stairs going up. I wanted to get out of that place so I just went up. As I started climbing, the sounds started again. I went up one step at a time, counting them and naturally, the last step was the 666th. I kept going forward, feeling more tired and exhausted with each step I took. It felt like I was getting weaker with each step. As I kept walking, I stumbled across another set of steps that were going down again. I was freaking out so I decided to finally open my eyes.


I then looked down at my hands, and they were full of wrinkles, like the hands of my grandfather. Terrified, I rushed down the stairs, and, at the end of them, there was no other way than up. Every time it was the same, up and down, up and down.

I went up and down countless times until my weakened fragile body finally collapsed on the ground. I slowly fell unconscious as I felt something dragging me by my ankles, down a set of stairs…

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"...fear is a luxury..."

- Niklas Niklas Alparós-Lilah from Purgatory Diaries

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Melissa Stoffel
Melissa Stoffel
5 years ago

That was way too predictable and dumb.

BubblyShip avatar
6 years ago

Ok that was just wow impressive

IAmABear avatar
6 years ago

I just love these kind of stories. [spoiler][/spoiler] I also love the part where he found out everything was red and there were an infinite number of stairs.

tonetskibm avatar
7 years ago

This story is really good, I literally got goosebumps while reading the end part. It is like I am reading Insidious(the movie). Good job!

HorrorHoney814 avatar
7 years ago

I currently live in my first two story home. After I moved in, I very quickly developed a habit of counting the stairs each time I went down them. THAT STOPS TODAY!!! Could have used some extra sauce but good pasta all around!

Quoth_The_Raven avatar
8 years ago

I really liked this! I loved the build up and how the story ended. It was a good pasta.

cviti123 avatar
8 years ago

It sound like this was a dream since the tag says sleeping. A fairly good pasta, though there should be more elaboration on the situation.

8 years ago

you proberly just hallicunated over exhaustion
but sometimes paranomal things can trick you and say “its a hallicunation” but really its proberly real cause paronamal things can trick people cause its mind fuck also
ORRRR that whole red stair thingie was proberly a dream and you already went to sleep

9 years ago

Stairway to Heaven, see what I did there, but there are 666 stairs so : [spoiler] DO NOT GO UP AND DOWN THE STEPS ALL DAY, YOU SHALL GO TO HELL [/spoiler]

Icreatedyou avatar
9 years ago

The ending was kind of stupid.

10 years ago

That’s one persistent kid. Taking an hour going down 666 stairs and not letting himself look for a moment.

eyeless jackss girl
10 years ago

the only thing i noticed is that was weird besides the endless stairs and that nobody noticed he was gone is the last step was always the 666th step 666 is the devils number but i did enjoy the story but it wasnt that creepy/scary

10 years ago

Did anyone else notice 666 stairs? Because I’m pretty sure that many is visible.

10 years ago

I don’t think it’s against regulations, but I’ll check nonetheless. Will post link when finished.

10 years ago

Would it be possible for me to make an extended version of this pasta? 🙂 I have a different idea for it.

10 years ago

Did his mom or brother find out that he was missing?