She made a playful squeal as I tagged her. It was clear she was enjoying herself, she was laughing herself to tears. “Daddy, stop it, my sides hurt!” She continued to laugh. Her joy was contagious, I smiled, for once in years, I smiled. I dare say I’ve smiled more that day than I have in my entire life. Alas, all good things must come to an end, she was tired, and fell asleep shortly after.
My wife soon came home. She was so glad to see me, she yelled my name, again, laughing to tears. She hugged me, still laughing. I continued to smile. She looked down and saw my tagging tool, quickly shooting her focus back to my eyes. I continued to smile. “Michael…” Tears continued to stream down her face in excitement. “How could you have done this to our little angel?” She tried to run, but she was too slow. “Tag…” I smiled wider. “You’re it.”
this is well written but lacks a bit of detail
Wow omg, accidently read this in class!! out loud!! my techer has had a heart attacl! IT WAS TOO SCARY!!!! OMG!!! #SCARY!!!! #HORROR!!! #SCARYHORROR!!! #HORRORSCARY!!1 uh oh…stinky!!!! UH OH!!!!
WOW that was really good! Nice plot twist! The knife.. just WOW
9 and 1/2 out of ten!
Wait so he started to stab her and than that…
I love this so much the kill is a little easy n this could have used a little more detail but other than that i love how it is hiding behind the mask of happiness awesome pasta good job 10/10
Its a tough one
Shitty promotion
I believe the “Tag tool” was a hypodermic needle containing Seconal (or another peaceful, off to sleep death drug).
I liked it. Nice job!
pretty twisted! A few grammar issues, but altogether a well done little story!
That was just a happy story
The ending wasn’t even a real plot twist
vbvbnbcdfnbx n.,kjghdf
loved it
At first i thought the father raped his daughter till i reached the end[spoiler]Not that he killed he[/spoiler]
Delicious pasta! 9/10
It’s a nice plot twist, but the story seems a little bit two short. Nice story, though.
Short but awesome.
The story is average at best but the thing is why did the father stab and most likely killed his wife and kids?
Wow, this is my favourite kind of story. Short with a terrifying and mind blowing plot twist. Loved it <3
The best creepy pasta I’ve ever read I’m my entire life!!!!!
I loved it soooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️Best creepy pasta ever