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The Forgotten Vending Machine

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The Forgotten Vending Machine

There is a village somewhere in England that has not been inhabited for over twenty years. It has long since been forgotten off of most maps, and only has one road in and out of it. If you manage to find it, it will seem a peaceful enough place, the derelict buildings being overgrown and nature taking back the land for herself.

However, somewhere within the village is a vending machine which still has power. It will still have its original look and sell ordinary brands of drink (though with 20 year old packaging). The one at the bottom will be marked “E.” Pay only in 10p pieces to buy this drink.

Before drinking the mysterious beverage, peer inside the can to check its color. Do not try to pour some out. It will refuse to leave the can despite any vigorous shaking you may attempt. If it is green in color, drink heartily, as it will give you an unnaturally long lifespan and good luck in everything you do.

If it is red, however, drinking it will spread a horrific pestilence over you, claiming one of your senses every ten years after the date that you first imbibed.

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5 years ago

it’s short and straight to the point Though I would like more of a buildup p.s where is this machine I NEED it

5 years ago

you all suck this short story was amazing and i really enjoyed it

Neru avatar
5 years ago

It’s more of an idea for a story rather than, you know, a story.

Slayer200 avatar
5 years ago

i found it interesting that there would still be a vending machine that works there and liquid does not defy gravity so i am sceptical that this is even real.

6 years ago

jeez everyone is so picky
this is an awesome little short – i would love to hear a more elaborate version of the vending machine because i do really like the creepiness of the idea.

AND if you cant see what color a drink is when you look at it in the can, thats your own problem … and also when he said ‘WILL HAVE’ he was saying it in the way that WHEN you go it WILL have. ‘when you go it does have its orginal look’ sounds weird and matter of factly instead of just a regular statement.

Hayli Anderson
Hayli Anderson
6 years ago

What? Just… what?[spoiler][/spoiler]

StephenKingFan12139 avatar


amaranth49 avatar
7 years ago

[spoiler]I could really use that green stuff right now.[/spoiler] My parents can barely pay the rent so I have no idea how I’m gonna pay off my college debt.

That0neguy avatar
7 years ago

R.I.P those whom drunk the drinks •-•

AdventElemental avatar
8 years ago

What if….hear me out here…Just what if, you use a straw…..wait for it… get the drink out and then hold it and take the straw out to see the color of the drink? Science is fun

8 years ago

Hey can I narrate your story for my YouTube channel?

8 years ago

It’s ok even though it’s not that creepy but something is something.

BentheProtector avatar
8 years ago

This has much potential. Its only downfall is being so short; if it was longer, there would have been more buildup, making it scarier. You could also give this a story as opposed to just instructions for a ritual.

TheMadGamer avatar
8 years ago

Those liquids are basically saying: [spoiler]Fuck physics![/spoiler]

Creepa99 avatar
8 years ago

It is an ok pasta ,but how is it a ritual ,and I don’t understand the last part.

8 years ago

Wow, I would not call that scary 2/5 sorry to whoever wrote it

ShadowSlasher13 avatar
8 years ago

[spoiler] How do you know a soda’s color if it’s inside a can, which basically a little dark if you don’t have enough light? [/spoiler] This story has many holes and the first line of the first sentence gave it up, like, ‘somewhere in England’. Dude, just give us a specific place so your pasta won’t be as boring as when you read that line first and foremost.

Melvinthesecond avatar
8 years ago

It’s ok

9 years ago

i sure do love drinks not obeying the laws of gravity

9 years ago

I very much like the first paragraph but the rest is just silly