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Seen But No Reply

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Seen But No Reply

Its been eight minutes since I sent my message. Seen, but no reply. Something must have happened. Maybe he’s hurt? It’s not unlikely that he tripped and hit his head. His apartment is a mess after all. Maybe he’s simply ignoring me? No, of course not. He’s not like that.

I grab the keys to my car which I conveniently placed next to my computer, and head out the door. I slice through the night air in my 96′ Corolla and wait impatiently at traffic lights as I rush through the suburbia. Maybe he’s simply not home? Out with his friends? Saw the message, but ignored it? No. Maybe he wants me to want him? Oh, I want him… I flick my blinker and make the corner into his street.

I pull into his driveway and jump out of my car, slamming the door after me in haste. I hurry into the building, a greasy old flat. One would think it has been long since abandoned by the looks of it, but I know better.

I go inside and run up the stairs. What if something really happened to him? No.. I must not think like that. But what if? I need to hurry. I’m panting by the time I reach the fourth floor, but now is not the time to rest. I hastily make my way to the unlocked door of his apartment and go inside. A laptop sits alone on a desk. I place my keys next to the laptop and sit down. Seen but no reply. Maybe he’s hurt.

I grab the keys to my car that lay next to my laptop and head out the door.

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Rocketchu_demon avatar
4 months ago

I don’t get it

IAmABear avatar
6 years ago

There is nothing scary or paranormal of this story, but in the slightest degree, it is creepy. I give it a 2 out of 5. No catastrophe or anything happened, just a paranoid person that was concerned for someone.

loverofcreepy avatar
6 years ago

This is such a great pasta don’t know why people are confused by it 6/10

MrCrabs avatar
7 years ago

I dont get why a lot of people are dissing this pasta, its a little difficult to grasp, but when you do get it, its really powerful, great job man

Chaseti127 avatar
7 years ago


Zed666 avatar
7 years ago

And at the end you were just annoying af and he dint wanna be freinds whit you..(jk)

7 years ago

Wow.Really fucked my brain.I laughed hard after realizing what it was. 😀

Omfi avatar
7 years ago


7 years ago

I reread the ending three times as it confused me in a great way. I love storied that mess with your brain a little. Short but very well written, keep up the good work!

Kookiegirl avatar
7 years ago


8 years ago

Wait if he/she texts him and he didn’t reply and he/she goes to his apartment then the person should find a text he wrote instead of saying ‘seen but no reply’

FlowerOfDarkness avatar
8 years ago

Nice portrait of insanity. Please do part 2, maybe some backstory. 5/5

iMeloyNyan avatar
8 years ago

[spoiler]so there’s just one person in this story as he said he grabbed his keys next to his laptop…[/spoiler] i had to reread it alot of times as it confused me!


waiting for bae to reply

8 years ago

maybe put stories like this in a separate section … where are the scary ones??

Glista16 avatar
8 years ago

I loved it. Got confused at the end but then after looking at it over and over for a minute I got it. Great Pasta!

mctammany13 avatar
8 years ago

This just goes to show, you don’t need extensive gore or descriptive creatures to make a good story.

Fujoshi avatar
8 years ago

And your point is..? -_- I see what you were tryna get at and all but really..? That’s how you try to convey it..?

LiliththeDollmaker avatar
8 years ago

This was different, I like it. Good work

Challen115 avatar
8 years ago

The last sentence should say, “After eight minutes, I grabed the keys to my car that lay next to my laptop and head out the door.