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Lost Twin – The Game

11 Stories 2 Followers
Lost Twin – The Game

This is a game where the participants get the chance to meet the twin they’ve never known in life. It’s a simple game to play, but the repercussions can overwhelming.

The twin is a reflection of who you really are, not who you pretend to be. If you’re a genuinely good person your twin encounter will be pleasant and gratifying. But if you’re a bad person, someone who bullies, lies, steals, cheats, manipulates or hurts other people, then your experience will be dark and painful.

In order to play the game you require the following: an empty closet, a (lit) candle and a mirror.

To start hang the mirror, any size will do, on the wall in the closet. Be sure to hang in on the wall across from the closet door, so the door is being reflected when closed.

With the candle already lit, walk into the closet and shut the door behind you.

Look at the mirror, you’ll see a reflection of yourself and the closed door.

Knock on the mirror twice, just as if you’re trying to knock on the closet door. Blow out the candle and knock on the mirror two more times.

You’ll hear the closet door open, but the door behind you is still shut. Next you’ll hear breathing, the game has begun. In a calm voice greet your twin with a simple ‘Hello’ and wait for their response. Afterward ask a simple yes or no question, they will answer.

The twin will respond in one of two ways: A kind response or a hostile response.

Good people will receive a kind ‘Hello’ in return for their greeting. Ask your question and you answer will be whispered back to you. Shortly after a sense of warmth and comfort will overcome the player. The sound of a door shutting will signal the end of the game as your twin has made contact, passed on their message and left the closet.

Bad people will receive an angry animalistic snarl in response. If you try to ask a question you will answered with scratches or bites from your twin. A bone chilling cold will fill the closet and a sense of impending doom will bring about an unshakable feeling of dread that will linger for hours.
You’ll hear the sound of the closet door slamming shut and the mirror will fall off the wall, shattering into pieces.

When you leave the closet be sure to take the mirror with you, in tact or broken. If you leave the mirror behind you’ll be plagued by your twin’s voice calling out to you and knocking on walls until you remove the mirror.

This game reveals alot about a persons soul.

Player beware.

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2 years ago

Good story def dont want to go in a closet now thos

[ insert name]
[ insert name]
3 years ago

Like somebody else said it is a good story but you should have added somebody playing it that would be cool it was very beliveable

11 months ago
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HanzoisGod avatar
4 years ago

I want to have the finest emo girl in my bed and I will do her untill jesus returns to take her back to heaven 😉

11 months ago
Reply to  HanzoisGod

yo what the ****

6 months ago
Reply to  manmanman

Yea what the ****

Dead meme loser
Dead meme loser
5 years ago

[spoiler]DIX OUT 4 HARAMBE[/spoiler]

5 years ago

Bc this wasn’t posted a month after the Look Away movie

Dena Cruz
Dena Cruz
5 years ago

Can you make out with your twin?

Vivian Rodriguez
Vivian Rodriguez
5 years ago

I would be scared ashh

5 years ago

guess what a bitch is doing

HexWitch21 avatar
6 years ago

I Must try this pasta thank you for the submission !

ShawnSheckal avatar
6 years ago

I think it is a creative peace. The thought of seeing your true self haunts me, it’s what makes me ill. Every morning I wake for a new day a new beginning. I listen to the two voices in my head, Grinner and Smyl. Many times Grinner gives me greff, he reminds me of all my failures. Words and names fill me head as I imagine what I never seen before. Smyl gives me warmth, maybe i’m not just one type of somebody maybe i’m all four.

6 years ago

i wanna try

Spaghetto avatar
6 years ago

Read this Story on my YouTube Channel:

Selkie avatar
6 years ago

Seven years and luck.

Creeps_Secrets avatar
6 years ago

Welp, creaking floors of the house mixed with both the darkness of my room and my scary effin’ mirror sitting in front of my bed… Good morning insomnia -_-‘

Scary_Spaghetti771 avatar
6 years ago

What if I’m already a twin?

AshIsGone24 avatar
6 years ago

Cool. I’d try it if I wasn’t always in the dark and was excited about everything.
I like it though.

IAmABear avatar
6 years ago

The tag “Mindfuck” is not relevant to the creepypasta; this story has nothing to do with mindfuck!

IAmABear avatar
6 years ago

You should describe more on how bad you have to be for your twin to be bad and what is your definition of “bad”. You should do the same with a good person; definition of “good” and how good you have to be for your twin to be good with you.[spoiler][/spoiler]

Axir avatar
6 years ago

i liked this one

paperdiva79 avatar
6 years ago

This one gave me goosebumps