In 1999, my family visited Disneyland. We happily rode the Small World ride. I was 12 at the time and my sister was 6. We loved every moment and our parents smiled with nostalgia.
At one time near the end, some lights suddenly shut off and rear lights illuminated the ceiling.
The moving display parts shut off and crew members wearing red overalls walked along them to help passengers in the boats onto the stages to direct them out of the building via emergency exits.
A voice came over the loudspeakers. “Disneyland thanks you for your visit. Please evacuate the attraction in an orderly fashion. Keep looking foward and follow the directions of staff. Thank you.”
The staff wouldn’t tell us much as they quickly ushered us out of the building. Ambulances were outside and a police car was parked in the main walkway. At the time, my mother still had her camera out and snapped a few photos of the crewmen and close-ups of the mechanical children.
She snapped a few last-minute photos of whatever to use up the last of the roll of film on the camera, since we were going to develop them later that afternoon, anyway. This was the last photo on the reel, aimed at the ceiling at the attraction.

not the best pasta ever
I can’t tell if that’s a hanging doll or some weird distorted mickey mouse head, my brightness is all the way up and I’ve been trying to zoom in more for like 5 minutes now lol weak ending but ok when you first start wrghtng.
“The moving display parts shut off and crew members wearing red overalls walked along them to help passengers in the boats onto the stages to direct them out of the building via emergency exits.” Whatever is hanging from the ceiling is wearing red overalls. Deduction: A worker was hanging from the ceiling.
I just read the name DisneyLand and was terrified already.
Bruh, if your gonna hang yourself, do it where it wont ruin everyone’s day, okay? okay!
Story was ok. I couldn’t get what they were referring to until I read the comments though.
congratulations you just earn your self a free ticket to Disneyland, so just hang in there your ride will come shortly
Why are people having so much trouble seeing the child?
Small elegant tale.
A hanging..
Good read, well written
I really like the idea of the kid dying at one of the happiest rides in the park really creepy reminds me of the gallows…really good job with the pasta!
Bro why smile dog hang himself
Is it weird that I laughed at the picture? ‘Cause I’m laughing a bunch
Very Well Done Story! I’ve Heard Of This Incident In The Small World Ride And Thought You Did An Outstanding Job Of Filling In The Gaps And Adding To The Story.
I honestly couldn’t see anything wrong with the picture at first. I had to lean in and squint. Then, I saw the kid hanging from the ceiling.
Well I feel bad for the kid that died ps great story I give it a 10/10 keep writing story’s
Hey guys, this creepypasta is based of a story of an incident in Disneyland regarding the ride “It’s a small world”. Apparently people were forced out of the theme park and several photos were taken, this photo being one of them. Also that’s a child not a hellhound
Phenomenally moronic 0 all day
that looks like a retarded doll 2/10 bleh disgusting pasta tastes like chicken