In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling “realistic” baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the “rocking motion” advertised to calm it down wouldn’t work, and you couldn’t get it to stop without shaking it.
Eventually when it started crying the parent would have to beat it, and the beatings and thrashings would have to get harder and harder to get it to be quiet. The only thing that seemed to shut the baby doll up permanently was the bash its head against the wall to destroy whatever mechanism triggered the crying.
On more than one occasion though, neighbors called the authorities to report child abuse, and when the police arrived they found the bloody remains of infants smeared across the walls and the floor. In most cases the mother couldn’t understand why the police were there, she just “got rid of the stupid doll” as she rocked a baby-shaped bundle in her arms.
I knew exactly where the ending was going to go, and I loved it no less! Excellent story!
50/50 chance of picking the right one.
God damn it, i killed the baby!
Well, never get me this doll…[spoiler]I live in Il[/spoiler]
remind me to get one of those
I’m confused… so the mothers’ were so diluted that they believed their children were dolls? I think there’s definitely a story here, but it needs more development
there is actually a name for this… Baby Blues.. well im definetly set on not having children.
I don’t know why she bought the doll anyway it is a fact that you should take a class instead of a fucking doll[spoiler][/spoiler]
Heh heh heh. I liked this one.
I loved it…But I don’t know why…I think its because I have dolls like that But I don’t have to kill it to shut it up…..But I do like to pretend I kill the baby ever once in a while
What a mistake. How can you get you real kid mixed up!?
Oopsy – Daisy.
mommy where’s sissy?
That’s creepy…
ooooh… realistic blood splatter too! Cool toy!
Impressively good with such a short length. 5/5
Very good story for the length of it
I loved it!!! I hate me some babies. Condoms people! Especially if you happen to be batshit crazy, like me….
The mums like ‘WAD I DO?’
Well… that was a bit unexpected… but I was a great story anyways 🙂