Proven Innocent

The cops had everything about the kidnapping of Joey wrong. Their prime suspect, Scooter the Clown was a well known children’s entertainer in town. He performed at parties, like Joey’s all the time.
At the precinct I am an insignificant ant flailing for the attention of titans. Finally, a cop turns to me and says, “Are you lost little boy?” On cue, my silence held no longer.
“The balloons with the ransom note, they were filled with helium right?” I asked. “Scooter never had a helium tank there that day. He blew everything up by hand. Check his truck and you will see I am telling the truth.”
The officer smiled and left, only to return 10 minutes later ghost stricken. He got down on his knees and rattled “I don’t know how we missed that kid, but you just did that clown a service. ”
I beamed as I walked home, knowing my hero was safe not ever dreaming he would thank me in person. When I saw him a block from home my jaw dropped.
“Someone’s been a good little detective. I have a special badge for you,” Scooter said.
He reached into his pocket, grabbed a balloon in the shape of a badge and then blew it up in front of me. As soon as I held it’s light floating form, my heart froze.
Without another word, he turned around and started dancing down the street. Pausing only occasionally to put a balloon to his lips, tie it and then release it into the air. As each one drifted into the sky I realized just how wrong all of us were about Scooter.
I really liked this, it was quite creepy, and it made you wonder what happened after it ended; I’d give it a solid 4.5 out of 5!
You’ll float too…
I don’t really get this one
Wow I didn’t get it at ALL
i am not creepied out good story but … could be more 3/5
This one is more hilarious to me than. Creepy.. still
I don’t get it
This is why people have to do tests ps amazing story keep writing ignor other haters bye
wow what the
And then he found 5 dollars
Wow, a happy ending, that’s new
At first I thought it was gonna be like Pogo the clown..
Great job at a horrible story
I’m absolutely TERRIFIED of clowns!!!!
So he was blowing helium into the balloon and he was the one hat kidnapped him?
i dont get it the clown breaths helium so he did kidnap the boy and at the end he says how wrong we where about scooter how where they wrong plus does scooter still have the kid
we all float down here
I really like how this story is because it gives you that creepy vibe. When it doesn’t tell you anything else I was pretty sad, but it was nice.
Its kind of a stretch… I get it, Somehow this clown breathes helium… but seriously? Thats your twist? The clown breathes helium? I mean, its original. Props for coming up with it. but i just feel so “meh” About it.
I love how this story creates a horrifying effect with such few words. Creating a strong impression in a short work requires skilled writing and creativity. Good job!
why a drop off ending? If it’s supposed to be based off of something, I don’t get the reference.