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Like A Surgeon

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Like A Surgeon

I read a book as a child. I summed it up and added a few details.

“Mr. Weston the doctor will see you now.” The nurse hung up the intercom.

Even though Sam was really nervous, he started to laugh at the fact that the lady called him Mister. That was his Dad’s name.

It was October 31, 1973, and 9 year old Sam Weston was in the hospital, about to go into surgery. He had to have his tonsils removed.

He followed his parents to the doctor’s office in the back of the hospital.

“Alright son.” said the Doctor. “Whoops, my mistake. I was told a 9 year old named Sam was coming here for surgery. You’re as big as I am.”

Sam laughed. “I’m only nine!” He thought it was hilarious that the entire hospital thought he was an adult.

The doctor checked his clipboard. “Hah! Tonsil surgery? Is that what your parents said you were scared of? Let me tell you something Mr. Weston, tonsil surgery is not scary at all. It won’t hurt but just for a second. Have you ever fallen on your knees?” Sam nods. “Well it’s about as painful as that. I had my tonsils removed when I was your age. Nothing to be scared of.”

Sam felt a little bit better.

“Uh oh. Looks like we have some news. We don’t have the tools for your special case. We traded them in for some new and improved tools, but they have yet to arrive. What we are going to have to do is keep Sam here over night, and get some equipment from the hospital in Memphis. When they arrive, we will do the surgery. He’ll probably be asleep when it happens, so that means no pain.”

Sam sat quietly while his parents sorted out all the details. They checked Sam into his room and left to the waiting room, where they would stay until Sam’s surgery.

The nurse helped Sam into his bed, and got him a juice. He looked over to the right and saw another little boy. “Hi I’m Sam. But you can call me Sammy.” The boy didn’t move an inch.

Sam looked at the nurse for some help, she whispered to him. “Tommy’s very upset. He’s got a big surgery tomorrow.” She saw Sam’s interest and whispered even quieter. “They have to cut off his foot.”

“My name’s not Tommy.”

The nurse looked sad.

A few minutes passed, Sam was drawing in his coloring book. The nurses had left so he could sleep.

Tommy looked over at Sam. He pointed to a comic book Sam had on the bed.

“Spider-man is my favorite.”

“Mine too!” Sam then tried to shoot a web at Tommy’s face. Tommy looked at him.

“What are you here for?”



With that, Tommy turned over.

A few minutes passed by in complete silence. Tommy broke it.

“Do you like to sleep?”

Unlike most kids, Sam loved to sleep. He thought that the quicker he slept the more he could play the next day.

“Yeah! My mom tries to wake me up for school, but I can’t ever hear her. She always says I could sleep through an earthquake.”

Tommy turns out the light and turns around. Sam takes the hint.

Sam has a bad dream that night, he dreamed his was falling down a big hole, and then he hit the bottom. His legs broke when they hit, and he was suddenly in bed at the hospital.

“We have to cut it off”….
“Sorry Sammy”..
“Mr. Weston the doctor will KILL YOU NOW.”

He then sees a small boy with a clipboard in his hand. The boy picks up the clipboard at the end of Sam’s bed, and places it on his bed. He swaps them. Sam is scared for a moment and screams.

He wakes up. Tommy is sound asleep. It was all a dream.

Sam then goes back to sleep.


“Quick. We need to get this kid on some Anesthesia.”

Sam wakes up. He is being rushed down the hallway in the hospital. The lights flicker above him. Sam looks at the surgeons, he hasn’t seen them before.

Sam realizes this is it, he’s about to get his tonsil’s out. His parents said he could have ice cream afterwards.

Sam thinks about what kind to get when one surgeons pushes through the door to a room with one chair in it.

“Ok Tommy. Put on this mask, it’ll help you fall asleep.”

Sam is shocked. “My name’s not Tommy.. It’s Sam.”

One surgeon checks the clipboard. “It says Tommy right here son.”

He was right. Sam looks down and sees the name Tommy Whitton.

“My name’s not Tommy! It’s Sam!”

“Yeah, they said you would say that.” The surgeon puts the mask on Sam.

Sam is freaking out. His screams become silent as the gas makes him sleepy.

He has one last glance up the hallway. Tommy is standing outside the door, smiling.

Sam cries as he falls asleep.

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6 years ago

Like A Surgeon Hey Cuttin For The Very First Time! Good Pasta 15/10

7 years ago


7 years ago

Man talk about a couple millions in a malpractice lawsuit but I’d settle out of court if they surgically implanted my foot up his ass

TheCreepLord avatar
7 years ago

Fucked up And good

8 years ago

Fuck yes to the first comment haha but yeah this was awesome, I loved it but it also made me so sad at the end!! Five stars for sure!!!

CreativeCanine avatar
8 years ago

I knew that dream wasn’t actually a dream! Maybe Sam had that dream at the same time Tommy was switching his clipboard. Sneaky little bastard! But great story SaneButStrange!

Gilly25 avatar
9 years ago

Whoa. I wonder if that ever happened at a hospital. I hope mankind isn’t that mean.

PapaStacy avatar
9 years ago

hehehe Madonna puns

scyacasword avatar
9 years ago

it was a lot of wonder it had a weird ending but it was good

JaneKills avatar
9 years ago

Yummmyyy! Very good.

Slinkanora avatar
9 years ago

I actually watched an episode of R.L Stines’s The Haunting Hour , and it was exactly the same, save for the names and ages.

9 years ago

That made me really freaked out. Delicious

9 years ago

That plot twist was really unexpected thought something else would happen…….but good pasta nice and tasty.

The Sllenderman
10 years ago

0_0 I thought it was going to be a twist ending. Like Sam was actually an older man who was born with a type of mental retardation and though he was nine when he was actually like 30. Still good though.

10 years ago

Darn you Tommy Whitton.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Thank you, groundzero, for that lovely ending.
Now I can rest in peace knowing some kid doesn’t have a foot.

10 years ago

Me at the end – TOMMEH!!!!!! ERMa KILL YOOOOUOUUUU lol Tommi was a jerk….

10 years ago

Poor Sammy very good pasta could use a little bit more salsa omnomnom

10 years ago

Wow. This is the best pasta I’ve read in a while!
Tommy needs a good beltin’, that’s for sure.

Thumbs up 🙂