Man on the Stairs

Mr. Woo was standing against the railing at the top of the stairs. He’s been standing there for the last three nights, when I get home from work.
I live in one of those five stories, downtown apartment buildings that are always filled with a variety of characters. The woman with the million cats, who’s always wearing a worn-out robe, the man and woman who are constantly fighting and then making-up, loudly. The mother with the screaming children. The neighbors that you never see, but can hear fragments of their daily lives as you walk down the hall… and there’s always a Mr. Woo. I’ve been working late for the past week trying to get a story written and ready for print for the Dark County Gazette, about the strange disappearance of a couple of local guys. I finally finished it tonight and was making my way up the stairs to my apartment on the third floor, when, there he was just standing there.
He was holding on to the old metal banister and looking at me with his small, almond shaped eyes, with an almost pleading urgency about him. I really didn’t know Mr. Woo very well. I had only seen him a few times just in passing, and aside from a nod or a quiet hello, he would usually just shuffle on by. This time was different.
He almost seemed upset and saddened. I wondered if everything was alright with him. Maybe he was waiting for someone. As I approached, he held out a hand to stop me and opened his mouth to speak. Nothing really came out but a few small garbled noises.
“Are you okay Mr. Woo? Is there something I can do for you?”
He looked frustrated and began pointing down the hallway. He seemed fine last night and the night before. Like he was just standing there waiting on something.
“Do you need some help? Is there someone I can call?”
More frantic pointing.
I looked down the dimly lit hallway and couldn’t see anything abnormal. I looked back to tell him and I noticed that one of his eyes had turned this strange milky white color.
Mr. Woo just continued to point towards our apartments. Mine was the third door on the left and his was the fifth on the right.
“Is there someone bothering you? Did someone break into your apartment?”
His hands started flailing in frustration, towards the hall, like I wasn’t listening to him at all. I grabbed at his arm but missed it somehow. I could’ve sworn… It was like my hand passed right through his arm.
He started walking at that point, slowly shuffling his way down the hall in his dirty grey slippers. He kept stopping, turning around, and motioning for me to follow. I sighed, giving in, and followed him. I dropped my bag and jacket off in front of my door and continued down to where he was standing, in front of his. He motioned towards the door.
“Were both of his eyes this milky just a minute ago?” I thought to myself.
“Are you locked out or something? Do you need me to call the Super?”
He just motioned towards the door and did a turn with his wrist. I put my hand on the door knob and looked back at Mr. Woo. He had a different look on his face. This time it was no longer panic or frustration, but calm and a slight smile. He motioned for me to continue. I turned the knob and slowly opened the door and looked back. Mr. Woo was gone. I was alone there in the corridor.
I reached into his apartment and flicked on the light switch. There was Mr. Woo lying on his living room floor. His face was twisted in panic and his eyes were milky white. He was dead.
He saw a ghost!!!
as ive read multiple pasta’s, the ending was expected as the whole “ghost leading you to there dead body” thing is quite common. 10/10 though, you portrayed this cliche very well.
Very unexpected and confusing.
I like it
Poor woo didn’t get a little backstory or anything so his death meant very little
Omg!!!so cool!very tasty pasta
Nice one!
So Mr. Woo was the killer? I don’t really get it
This story actually made me kind of sad… I don’t know why though…
Predictable, but fantastic! Sometimes a new spin on an old cliche is just what is needed.
Meh it was acceptable but more detail needed
Great pasta!
I like pasta’s like this that are sweet and not just.
This was a good one, I like the little suspense, but it could have been better.
Nice dude! It’s very unique… I don’t get creeped out. At all. But this changed that… I love it! Do it again! 😀
Or not… That’s fine too…
Meh, I’ve read better. This story didn’t really give me any chills or anything like that. Short and sweet. I could pretty much predict what was going on and what was going to happen. But I see great potential in you and I look forward to reading more of your work!
That was pretty cool!
Whoa didn’t expect that little twist, anyway great story! ^^