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Rain fogged up the window. A soft crackle sounded from the fireplace. It was supposed to be a cold, comfortable night. But I couldn’t help the chill that ran down my spine. My day was spent with powdery mountains and snowboarding and hot chocolate. It was supposed to be a day for me to forget.




I hadn’t thought about her all day, I made sure there was no room for me to. Surely time away from that place would dissolve her from my mind and prove that this was all in my head. But the only thing that was dissolved was my sanity.




I stayed still, foolishly hoping that she wouldn’t notice me. I already knew that it was too late, though. She knew I was here. She always knew where I was. If I had picked someone different, would I still be tormented in this way? I don’t deserve this. I did nothing wrong and yet she still chooses to haunt me. If she didn’t want to end up this way, she shouldn’t have gone outside at all.




“Let. Me In.” She croaked out.

If I let her in, will this stop? I doubt it. She would just find another way to drive me insane. I didn’t mean to kill her, I swear. But she was struggling too much. If she had just let me do what I wanted, then this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

The tapping stopped.

I felt my breath catch in my throat and I had to urge myself to move. Cautiously, I looked over my shoulder and out the window. Nothing. She wasn’t there. I’m not sure if I felt panic or relief. I slowly stood up on shaky legs. Something felt wrong. Off. It felt like there were predatory eyes on me. I approached the door, heart pounding out of my chest. My hand sluggishly moved for the handle. I was watching it happen in slow motion, but I couldn’t stop it. It was some sort of magnetic force pulling me to open the door. With bated breath, I watched as it slowly creeped open.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling my muscles relax. As I opened my eyes, though, she stood there. My hand now felt permanently fixed to the door handle. A cheshire grin spread out too wide for her face and cracked her skin like lightning. The wounds I had inflicted on her weeks ago were oozing and green with puss. Her once pristine dress now was moth bitten and covered in dirt. The things I once refused to notice when she haunted the corner of my eye and the corners of my mind are now face-to-face with me.

I tried to slam the door on her and run for my life, but she lunged forward too quickly and pinned me down. Death gave her strength to fight back. And this time, I fear I will lose. Her arms cranked forward in jagged movements until her mud-stained hands were a noose around my neck. I could almost hear the crackling of her bones in unison with the crackling fire. That thought would have been hilarious to me if not for the pants-shitting incident that I am in right now. She snarled and growled like a savage beast, choking and clawing at my neck. I was sure she was going to destroy my windpipe, so before she was able to, I wanted to get out one last word: “why?”

Anger flashed in her eyes and she raised me by my neck before slamming my head into the hardwood below. I gasped and wheezed, unable to breathe. As spots coated my vision, I heard her say one last thing before everything went dark.

“Why?” She repeated, her vocals harsh as her words scraped against my ears. “Because you are not immune to consequences.”

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Jennifer Rose avatar
Jennifer Rose
2 months ago

Tap, tap!