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Calamity and Destiny Fortune Teller-Investigation File

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Calamity and Destiny Fortune Teller-Investigation File

Zhang Yaxin’s Facebook Posts

Important Reminder: This Post Has Been Deleted

The following content consists of Facebook posts made by the deceased Zhang Yaxin in the past few days. To prevent causing panic, these posts have been deleted. The copies you see now have been processed.

June 28

A fortune teller’s face with one gold and one blue eye, wearing vintage glasses, a prominent nose, slightly curly hair at the ends, looking about 24 years old.

Post Content:
Met a super handsome fortune teller on my way to work today. He asked me a lot of common questions and said my recent fortune is good. I’m so happy!!! Do you girls want to find him and get a reading together? At least seeing his face is worth it. (Address has been blurred)

Important Comment:
(Anonymous): Can’t find him at all? Are you lying?

June 29

Curry omelette rice; Curry omelette rice with a street view taken from a window.

Post Content:
Had curry omelette rice for lunch today! My company is in a building, and being able to overlook the busy traffic below is really great!!!

Important Comment:
(Anonymous): Is that blue-clothed person looking at your camera the fortune teller?
Reply to (Anonymous): I work with her; we’re on the 14th floor! How could that be possible!?

June 30

The back of a person wearing an indigo robe and holding an oil-paper umbrella.

Post Content:
It rained today, and I really hate the rain. Also, I didn’t bring an umbrella today. But coincidentally, I met that fortune teller. He’s so nice; he saw I didn’t have an umbrella and shared his with me, even took me home. Do you think he likes me?

Important Comment:
(Anonymous): Yaxin, didn’t you leave the company by yourself? And you had an umbrella!

July 1

A table of Chinese dishes and the fortune teller eating.

Post Content:
I fainted on the road due to anemia, but the fortune teller took me home and cooked a table of iron-rich food for me. Am I going to get a boyfriend!?

July 3

Post Content:
Didn’t post yesterday because I worked overtime until very late. By the way, the weather is getting worse and worse recently, it’s raining every day. I really hate it~~~ The only good thing is that I got the fortune teller’s (messaging app, blurred)!!!!! His name is Jieyuan Fortune Teller, so cool!

July 4

A selfie of Zhang Yaxin and the fortune teller.

Post Content:

I’m feeling really unwell, so I asked the fortune teller to take care of me. He’s really sweet~~~ Goodnight, single dogs!

Important Comment:
(Anonymous): Zhang Yaxin, you’ve been absent for two days, why haven’t you come to work yet? (Note: Comment on July 6)

These are all the posts Zhang Yaxin made before her death.

On July 7, the police entered her home and found many reddish-brown patterns on the walls and floor. After examination, it was discovered that these were Tai Chi and 64 hexagrams drawn with the victim’s blood.

The victim was suspected to have been bled and dismembered while alive. The flesh on the bones was shaved clean, engraved with divination texts, and the flesh was made into sacrificial dishes according to body parts. The skull was placed at the position of Yang within Yin in the Tai Chi diagram. Strangely, although there were no formalin or other preservatives, the skull showed no signs of decay until it was removed from the Tai Chi formation.

In the bathtub, dried blood and a large brush made from the victim’s spine and hair were found.

On the table, a small fish-shaped wooden box was found. Inside was a note written in ink with the following lines:

Few are the worldly ambitions,
What can I do in this fleeting eternity?
The trials of nowhere end in bones,
The worldly bonds all end in nirvana.

According to surveillance footage, the victim was talking to herself all the time, with no one around her. The messaging app also had no user named ‘Jieyuan Fortune Teller.’

This is all the information currently obtained from the investigation.

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