Monica knew that whatever this was, impersonating him was not her best friend.
His skin hung loosely upon his frame.
His eye sockets were sunken and dark, and only two tiny dots shone within the swirling darkness. When he walked, he dragged his feet.
He no longer spoke, and yet everyone else thought it was normal. ‘How could this be normal?’ she thought to herself.
Was everyone seeing the same person as her?
Monica knew what to do, but first, she needed proof.
So she set up a camera one evening, inviting him over to her home.
When Monica excused herself and left him alone, she hoped it would let its guard down and reveal what it was.
Upon reviewing the footage later, Monica wished she hadn’t. In her room, he sat staring up at the camera she placed. Slowly, it opened its mouth, and something inky slithered out. It was moving its jaw and making a sickening gurgling sound.
“No…one will…believe you,” it said as if having to inhale air before each word. The footage then began to distort and became nothing but static.
In total disbelief, she tosses the camera aside and brushes her fingers through her hair. Now, what was she going to do? Without that footage, Monica would be another crazy theorist trying to convince people her best friend was a monster.
Unbeknownst to her, an inky mass slithered around underneath her bed, laying in wait to claim another body. Another home to call its own, and the cycle would begin again.
Evan knew that whatever was impersonating Monica wasn’t his friend anymore, but he was too scared to approach her and find out.
Very good! Short, sweet and creepy. Gotta love these paranoia based stories lol
Thank you for reading and commenting 🙂