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Parasites Website

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Parasites Website

There exists a website known as, and it’s claimed that when you first enter the website, it automatically asks for your name, bank account information, and other personal details like your address. Not providing this information doesn’t do anything, but if you do input your details, the following text appears:

“Thank you, customer! Enjoy your parasites! ;)”

You are then directed to the main part of the website, which is a shop that sells parasites of all kinds: ticks, bedbugs, tapeworms, and leeches, notably human parasites and each item is priced modestly, with the phrase “No Refunds!” prominently displayed at the top. The shop also offers an illegal drug containing an organ-eating parasite.

Now, you can also use the contact form to chat with the people who run the website. The staff seem friendly and greet visitors like regular employees. However, when you ask for assistance from someone named White Man, he automatically appears. His profile picture shows an evil smiling white face with sharp teeth and two tiny black dots for eyes.

Here’s what he says:

“Hello, thanks for asking for my assistance! How can I help you?”

You have two options here. You can reply with either “My drug isn’t coming!” or “What do you do with my address?”

If you choose the former, you will be forced to buy the drug again, even if you didn’t buy it in the first place. White Man also threatens that if you don’t buy the drug, he will come to your house and end your life.

If you choose “What do you do with my address?” he responds, “It’s our company policy; if we don’t get your address, we can’t mail the drugs or parasites to you.” However, when you purchase something from, you will receive an email with the following message:

“Hello! Thanks for shopping at Your parasite or drug will arrive in 3 days! Check your mailbox daily, and give us a message on our website if you don’t find anything there.

Have a wonderful rest of your day, night, or evening.”

After 3 days, the item will arrive in the mail inside a box. Upon opening it, you will find some blood and a bit of fluid with the drug or parasite in the middle. Every order also includes a note with a link that, when typed into a search engine, directs you to a text interface, sporting a dark background, the following text appears:

“Hello! Thanks for buying our product; we will do whatever you want us to do. If you want us to kill an enemy of yours or anything else, type that in the box below. Though, it’s recommended that you don’t include your name. If you do, the same thing will happen to you.”

Now, this is where the website takes a dark turn, leading to the main reason why it was eventually taken down.

According to the victims’ list, enemies would be stabbed to death, and sometimes the employees would record the murder and make a snuff film out of it. If you included your own name instead, your death would be even more graphic.

As reports go, you would either be shot, or they would place a maggot on your body to burrow into you and lay eggs. They would usually shot you afterward to ensure you felt the maximum pain.

But fortunately, the site’s owner and other employees were eventually arrested, and the website was taken down. However, there’s one unanswered question regarding the corpses that remains, what does this mean?

“Let them eat what’s inside of you :)”

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Author of Burnt Luigi, Sammy the Cat, and creator of the FNaF-fangame series titled Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s. I own a second YouTube channel titled JTS, where I host professional content and shows like Joseph's World.

I usually come here to post some stories of mine that are either famous and infamous, or, essentially, stories reposted and translated across the globe.

Please do not expect every story of mine to be here; if you wish to read more, you can do so on the Spiral Nightmares site hosted by Miraheze.

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BloodSoda avatar
2 months ago

this is horrifying i love it 😀 a website that sells deadly bio hazardous animals such as parasites does not seem too far off from what people would do IRL making it an even better story when you said about the “maggot crawling inside of you and laying eggs” that horrified me so much i could almost FEEL it keep doing great bro 😀