Pluggy the Plug-In

“Pluggy the Plug-in,” that is the name I keep remembering for some reason, even after those posts of the lost show titled Sammy the Cat.
I wonder who that character is; I might as well talk to the creator of the show about it. Yes, it has been a long time since Richard Turner was arrested. Even after my two posts, I never heard anything about him being released.
I think I might ask him about Pluggy. I remember a friend of mine who read my blogs told me about that character and never explained who he or she was. I went to the police department and entered the cell with the man.
He seemed upset. I approached him and called his name, “Richard.” He looked at me and walked over to the cell to get closer to me. I noticed how older he looked from the last time I met him in person; he seemed a bit happier to see me this time, judging by the way he responded.
“Hello sir, do you need anything?” Answered Richard, less concerned to see my existence, “Well, yeah, who was Pluggy the Plug-in?” I asked.
“Pluggy? You mean Sammy the Cat’s best friend?” asked Richard with some color draining from his face as he said the three words, Sammy the Cat, again because of the trauma he caused on those who saw the show. “Yeah, him, I am sorry for bringing some bad flashbacks back to you; I am just curious about this strange character.” I answered.
“Hey, hey, hey! Not a problem at all, man. Uh, Pluggy, she was a character who resembled a white plug-in with a smiley face, which was clearly drawn with a sharpie, cheaply made, I know.” Richard said before continuing to explain more about the character. “She wasn’t exactly my favorite; I happened to like Sammy more, but Pluggy, she was strange. Why? Well, she caused some horrible flashbacks, which caused me to remove the character from the show.”
“How come?” I asked, “Well, as I was making concept art of Sammy the Cat’s comeback in 2019 along with art of Pluggy, after his cancellation after my illnesses got ahead of me before the Warner Bros. version, my cat started to chew on one of my chargers, and it shocked him to death. This is why I never included Pluggy in Sammy the Cat.” Answered Richard.
After Richard explained a bit about Pluggy, he decided to walk away and sit in the corner of his cell, not wanting to talk anymore. I nodded and left, but I needed to know more, as I don’t think I got all of the information about the character and her departure from Sammy the Cat. Also, did he just say that Pluggy was Sammy’s best friend? The thing is, I could’ve sworn that she was Sammy’s sister.
Regardless of sister or friend, I don’t care about that; rather, I find an episode of the original show featuring Pluggy. Maybe, just maybe, there is another DVD of Sammy the Cat featuring the character.
I immediately ran back to the estate of my great-aunt after that information popped into my head and sifted through the boxes; however, so far, I found some random stuff, including shows that had no relation to Sammy the Cat but were created by Warner Bros. at least, such as Looney Toons, Scooby Doo, and Tom and Jerry.
I tossed those aside, and I saw something underneath; it had an image of Sammy the Cat’s face on the front cover, and I checked the back of the DVD. Shockingly enough, there are three episodes instead of just one this time.
They seemed to be labeled like this:
Episode 1: The Amazing Game Show
Episode 2: Cooking with Sammy and Pluggy
Episode 3: Pluggy the Plug-in
That’s all of the episodes. I checked to see if there’s any description on each of them, but I am pretty sure the names of the episodes explain the plot I needed to know anyway.
So, I loaded up the DVD into my player, and I made it so I could watch all of the episodes instead of doing one out of time. The show as usual started with the intro featuring the title Sammy the Cat rolling slowly across the screen, with the year “2010” in the smaller font.
“2010?” That was something I didn’t recall making; I think these might’ve been older episodes or something.
Regardless, this episode appeared to be the one featuring the game show, and honestly, it didn’t seem as amazing as I thought it would be…
Judging by the lack of budget as explained by the look of Sammy the Cat, the set seemed to be low-budget, and there were three folding chairs in front of the placed stage with Sammy and Pluggy standing there on the stage with the game tables behind them. I watched as Sammy started to announce what would happen.
“Welcome everybody to Sammy’s Game Show; I am your fat host, Sammy, and your co-host, Pluggy. I would like to announce my new contestants, those children, sitting in the chairs. COME ON UP!”
I watched as they came up onto the stage, getting behind the tables, seeming innocent enough as Sammy started announcing the rules.
“The rules are simple! You will face questions and challenges which WILL test your knowledge, skill, and luck. If you are successful, you may end up going to further rounds, getting points and prizes along the way. Blah blah blah, let’s start!”
Sammy stops speaking as he looks at one of the children; the one he’s looking at seems to be a little girl with black hair, a green shirt, a pink skirt, gray pants, and a pair of Mary Janes, and he starts speaking once more.
Sammy walked towards the little girl and went towards her face. I felt a bit creeped out at how close he was, but I wanted to see what he would do next. “Hello little girl, what is your name? I just want to know before asking the question.” Sammy asked as the girl answered, “My name is Stacy!”
Sammy backs up, as he nodded before asking the question, “What is the largest planet in the solar system?”
I was continuing to watch to see what happens next as Stacy answered by saying it was Jupiter. Sammy’s eyes widened by shock as he shouted in excitement.
“Great job! That was the first try; keep it up, and you may earn something special.”
Stacy got a point and walked over to the next child, which seemed to be a boy who wore Pokemon-themed clothing. “Name?” Asked Sammy.
“Pikachu!” Said the child, Sammy paused for a moment as Richard’s eye in the finger hole twitched a bit as he laughed it off for a moment.
“No, no! Your name, your actual real name.” Asked Sammy, “Oh well, my name is Jeremy,” said Jeremy.
“Good. Now, who was the FIRST president?” Asked Sammy, waiting for an answer.
“Uh…George Washington?” Answered Jeremy, “Great job, a point for you!” Yelled Sammy, looking super happy as he gave the child a pat on the head.
Honestly, this game show seemed to be normal at first glance, but knowing the previous DVDs’ contents I wrote about in my previous post, I know something will happen.
For some whatever reason, just as I predicted, there was this one kid that seemed to hate the cat a lot.
“Well, well, well, why do you look so unhappy? Kid?” Asked Sammy, the boy shouted into his face and said, “I don’t want to be a part of this; I want to go home. I want to go home. I WANT TO GO HOME!”
Sammy looked at the child in shock, but he reached his hands toward the child and dug the claws into the back. I saw some tears rolling down the face of the boy as Sammy yelled at him, “What is your freaking problem?” Stacy and Jeremy looked at Sammy doing this and tried not to get involved until they noticed how there was water, which wasn’t noticed earlier lying on the ground.
How is that bad? It’s just water, right? Well, you’d be right, but Pluggy seemed to be sitting in it, and not to mention, there just so happens to be a thunderstorm outside, which can’t be heard very well in the background. Hence why I never even brought it up until now. Anyway, I heard some electrical noises coming from Pluggy, who was in the water. I watched as the boy was pushed to the ground; he ended up getting shocked.
Sammy stood there, looking at the kid lying on the ground, vibrating. It might’ve been hard to tell by the costume design, but it was super clear that he seemed concerned and regretful towards what he did. Showing some remorse, I watched as Sammy slowly turned at the camera as he said the following words:
“I guess he should’ve watched his snappy attitude, heh…”
The episode then ended with the children screaming in the background with it increasing, followed by complete static.
The DVD then played the second episode, cooking with Sammy and Pluggy. It started with the intro, and it showed the two standing in front of a camera inside of a kitchen. Sammy the Cat stared at the audience and said the following:
“Hello kids! Welcome back to my show. Sorry about that previous incident, kids these days, am I right? Pluggy?”
Sammy then turned his head, looking at Pluggy as Pluggy stated the following and her voice seemed to sound like Sammy but was high-pitched; I couldn’t even imagine how the child, as babysitted by my great-aunt, would have to sit there and watch these episodes. That’s right, the child is actually a girl, and this is my first time even figuring that out, which explains why I never brought that up in my first post regarding Sammy the Cat:
“Yeah, I agree, Sammy! That was a crazy incident.”
I watched as Sammy nodded and picked up a comically huge blender, and if I remember correctly, this seemed like the same one used by the cat to grind up the 5-year-old boy in the second DVD from my previous post back in 2020. I could also tell it was the same one but without the bloodstains from previous victims. Judging by how this episode was made in 2010, I am pretty sure Sammy never bothered to use this blender yet, and yes, I am just as shocked as you; I didn’t even know Sammy the Cat was this old despite the fact this show was planned during the time period when the original Warner Bros. crew was still alive.
As Sammy the Cat opened the lid of the blender, I was still boggled by the fact it looked like this; I never even understood how he had some blender like this lying around, even after my post from a long time ago. Regardless, I saw Sammy turn his head at the left, I watched as the cat then ran towards something. Followed by someone, which sounded like a child, repeating the word “no…” over and over again, increasingly getting loud as Sammy came back, holding the child who seemed a bit older than the one in the second DVD from a long time ago.
He was holding the kid down as he picked him up and tossed him into the blender, and yes, I understand how ridiculous this sounds, considering how there is no way a blender is that big to fit someone inside. The child has been ground up, creating the bloodstains. Sammy the Cat then placed down a pot and poured the remains into it. Sammy then yelled out the following, chilling line:
“Today kids, we will make pizza!”
I continued to watch in horror, feeling intrigued on what would happen next, and no, do not worry. I will be sure to take action on this DVD, and like I did before. I will be sure to report the disc to the police department, like any normal person would. Sure, it would be pointless considering how Mr. Turner has already been arrested, for I don’t know how long. However, I know for a fact that this would be important, as I am assuming the PD still wants to learn more about Sammy the Cat.
Anyway, I continued watching until Sammy the Cat picked up a large spoon, which was cartoonishly and comically huge, considering how Sammy’s appearance does give the impression that he came straight out of a cartoon and considering how he seemed like the parody of Felix the Cat. He started to throw in some herbs and steer the red substance in the pot until it started to have a sauce texture.
He grabbed some dough, then flattened it, poured the “sauce” on it, and sprinkled some cheese and pepperoni, then placed it into the oven. As I continued watching these episodes, I may seem to understand Richard’s reason for not adding Pluggy, one of them at least. I noticed how she barely did anything in these episodes, basically just there for the sake of being there. Despite it all, the pizza finished, and Sammy took it out of the oven. He took a slice then started to eat it, but since this was a costume, he was just staining the mask.
Pluggy looked at Sammy and then said the following:
“Wha, you didn’t even save me anyway!”
Sammy responded, “Actually, I did; there’s more of the pizza. Unless..”
I watched as Sammy grabbed the rest of the pizza and then ate the rest, but since he isn’t exactly eating it. He is just getting cheese, sauce, and some of the crust everywhere, including the table. Jesus Christ, what a slob! Anyway, I watched as the episode then ended with Sammy the Cat staring at the camera with the sauce and cheese dripping down his face, followed by abrupt static.
The next episode played; it was the “Pluggy the Plug-in” one… It was playing sounds of children crying and screaming with Pluggy doing nothing but thrilling, and it looked like it was filmed somewhere else, like a bedroom; underneath, I can see someone holding the plug; it was shaking as if the person holding it was having a seizure. Interestingly enough, I noticed that the hand holding the plug didn’t seem to belong to an elderly man; it didn’t even look like it belonged to Richard.
Speaking of him, I could’ve sworn I saw Sammy in the episode, as when the guy holding the camera turned towards the doorway on the left, I believe I saw white cat-like feet standing there. Behind the scream, I could swear I heard the man breathing heavily in fear. As the camera panned to the door again, Sammy then ran towards the man, and the screaming stopped as the camera glitched out, static.
After that episode ended, I took the disc out of the player and sent it to the Police department. They are now investigating the contents of it, and I may lie if I heard anything back. They may find something interesting about it, especially the third episode and how these seem to be filmed in 2010.
Not sure if this DVD will keep Richard in jail or not; heck, it might cause him to be on death row. I sure hope not, and yes, you heard that right. I hope he doesn’t, as based on my recent interactions, he seems to be…gentle nowadays.
Who knows, maybe time will tell. But it looks like I need to end it here, but regardless, I hope you all enjoyed reading my blogs. Not sure if I will ever decide to post about Sammy the Cat again. For questions on this post, let me know and I will gladly answer them. In that case, I will leave this post on this forum involving nostalgia, I will get to you in the comments when I can. If I get this white plug off of my leg, it seems to be tangled…