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3 min read

New House

1 Story 1 Follower
New House

I hate Mondays. It’s a generic thing, but I just loathe having to go to work after the weekend. Anyway, I’m done with it, so I guess I can’t complain now. I recently purchased a house for a surprisingly good deal out in the woods. It’s a pretty nice place, other than sometimes the cellular mysteriously goes out for hours at a time.

It’s pretty late, about 9 p.m. My new job keeps me quite late, but it’s extra pay, so you’re not hearing anything bad from me. As I get off the main road and onto the gravel road into the woods, per my navigation system’s directions, I listen to my tires running over the small rocks, almost sounding like a cascade of water spewing from a waterfall onto the river below.

Mesmerized by nature, I look back onto the road and see an old lady RIGHT in front of my car! OH, CRAP. I brake just in time so as not to kill the poor woman, but what is she doing out here so late at night? Does she have a house here too? I wipe my eyes with my sleeve, and when I look back at the road lit by my headlights, I see nothing but the road ahead of me. Huh? Either I’m seeing things or that senior citizen has teleportation powers, both of which I don’t want to look more into.

As I get deeper into the woods, the road looks more and more like it hasn’t been touched in years. I notice the house in the distance, looking very well-kept. The car turns into the driveway when I hear a high-pitched shriek, much higher than any human could shout. Okay, this is getting REALLY weird. I need to get inside, now. Not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me or if this is real.

Walking into my house, I notice no furniture here. As expected. It was also a bit dusty, also expected in a house so far in the woods. On the top floor, there is a bedroom with one rickety bed, the only furnishing the house has. I think I should go to bed, seeing as I’m already exhausted.

It’s been an hour or two now, and I can’t seem to be able to fall asleep. I’ve been staring blankly at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity. That’s when I hear a noise. I sit up on the bed. The window was open. I must have left it open. Wait. I never opened a window! Maybe the wind blew it open. Anyhow, I ignored it and finally fell asleep.

With a jolt, I wake up again. Still night, so I must not have been asleep for too long. This time I hear another noise, a pitter-patter of feet on the floor below me. At this point, I’m freaked out. I need to get out of here.

Rushing downstairs, I bolt out of the door, into my car. Another voice ahead of me fills the car with a dark aura. The voice of someone that seems like an older woman laughs, and then she sneers.

“Leaving so soon?”

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