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21 min read

The Plagues of Old

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The Plagues of Old

I don’t know how much I can tell you readers. How much he will let me tell you! I thought this was a gift, for so long I did what he asked of me. Every “New Material” I brought him. Everytime he promised me a glimpse of paradise that he promised to take me too..

It must be nearly 700 years now since that time I took his “Gifts”, from that time he first showed me paradise. Now it’s my curse.. My affliction.

You see I was first born in the 1300s, close to what you modern humans call “Kazakhstan”. Life was basically living out of mud and wooden huts, eating what you kill… Growing what you could and hoping for the best.

My family was just my mother and sister, at the time my father was called off to some war for some  top warlord long forgotten in the history books. We spoke in a language I have long since forgotten, prayed to God’s that have since been replaced and renamed time and time again -… But one thing has never changed, sickness and plagues. That’s what took my family. I was nearly an adult when the sickness took them, first it started with a cough. Then you couldn’t walk.. then the fever. Then you can guess the final stage of it.

The elders and the healers couldn’t do a thing, no matter how many times they prayed, no matter how many times they came up with a new elixir. It did nothing, so they reverted to the next best thing. Banishment or death, it was the only way to stop the spread and you tested your life to be seen coughing in front of them… lest your fate be chosen by a large wooden club.

Once my family died I tried to keep things running, but how could I? How could I hunt when all the animals either migrated or died of this sickness, any time you did eat it was a risk, die of the sickness or die of starvation. In my luck the former was what got to me, sitting In my rundown hut the roof showing signs of caving it, mud walls cracked and open to the elements, I began coughing. I coughed so hard that drops of blood were mixed into everything, my throat so dry and painful.

I panicked, breathing fast and pacing back and forth, eyeing the lit torches of the village, knowing what waited for me if I stayed or showed my face. I ran, packing what little I had into my linen sack and I made for the mountains. In my haste or stupidity I hadn’t taken a torch, so under only moonlight I crossed the ranges, harsh ragged breaths followed by the coughing, the noise must of putting a giant target over my head.

As I crossed one verge I could hear howling, I had also forgotten that there are much bigger predators out in the wilds and they are much.. MUCH more hungry than I was. I started rushing towards a large hill in the distance, but as I rushed the louder the coughing got, I could hardly breathe as I reached it, my chest so tight I thought it was going to explode.

As I hugged the hill, slowly stepping as the howls got closer I found a cave, the opening just small enough I could squeeze my skinny frame through. I landed harshly with a thud, the air escaping my lungs, bring myself to me knees I started to pray, I begged the gods of old to take this torment from me, to finally relieve me of this pain and affliction, my prayer echoing off the walls of the pitch black cave. As I waited and waited for an answer, anything to give me guidance, a small faint glow came from the passage, a faint whisper beckoning me to come.

I threw my hands up and praised the gods, they had finally answered me, one hacking cough later-.. I made for the light, almost tripping as my eyes were fixed on this light. I made it to a tight point in the cave, as I squeezed through – cutting and scraping my arms and body in my desperation, I finally tumbled into the glow. Only…it wasn’t a glow at all where the tunneled opened up into a big open room, moss and condensation hung on to the walls (Quite unusual for the area, now thinking back on it) I noticed this sickly green mist flowing lowly across the floor of this room, that’s when the smell hit me.

I fell to the ground wrenching and heaving, painting the floor in all that was left in my stomach. It was like a thousand rotting corpses invaded my nose all at once. As the last bit of contents left my stomach I felt a pressure come over me, it was like I felt the danger closing in on me, as I quickly lifted my head, now coated in a cold sweat. I first laid eyes on him, from the center of the room I could see this figure, he was standing over a pot of sorts, smoke rising as if he was brewing something.

As if on cue, his head turned. As he did all I could hear was a painful cracking of bones almost as if they were rotted wood fighting a strong breeze. His eyes were dots, the pupils the same color as the mist. He turned to face me, as he did the room lit up, several carvings on the wall lighting with the same sickly green color.

As the light reached him more of his features exposed themselves, his clothes like rags, ripped and torn, his skin pulled tight against his frame and muscle, It appeared to be almost waxy and flaky. As his face was exposed by the twisted light I reeled back in shock and horror. The air escaped me once more as horse breaths heaved in and out of my lungs.

He was completely void of hair, his skin completely sunken in and sickly green, eyes like voids with green dots in the middle, almost like a skeleton with skin stuck to it. I kicked back in a panic trying to get to get to the edge of the wall, coughing and sputtering, trying anything to get away from this creature.

As I blinked it got closer and closer. I did only what I knew what to do and prayed, as the rotted foot landed beside me, I peered up with a whimper. The being letting out a scratchy gurgled sound almost as if it was talking to me, a sickened hand reached out as the being placed a hand on my forehead.

As I squeezed my eyes shut expecting for this creature to end me and take me for whatever gods know what but instead a voice invaded my head. It was deep and echoing but calming as it spoke

“Oh child, you have suffered deeply, I can see that -.. such pain, anguish and sorrow, let me help you. Let me take all your troubles away…Allow me to give you relief.”

As I opened my eyes the cave was different, where the sickly mist was.. replaced with grass, ever so green and vibrant. The walls are decorated with flowers and sweet smelling plants. I looked up at the creature, where the green, bald and rotting skin was, it was replaced with a stunning figure. His skin full of life, his smile so inviting and warm.

He helped me to my feet, as confusion ran over my face, I noticed that I wasn’t coughing anymore, and where my scraps and cuts were, the skin had healed and looked extremely healthy. The man smiled at me once more as the voice echoed in my head once more.

“Your family has joined me here too, they have accepted my gifts and now they live with me eternally, ever so happy and free from the woes of life”

As he spoke he turned, his arm outstretched as if guiding me, leading me to my mother and sister sitting around his make-shift pot, they were smiling at me waving me over, as I sprinted full force towards them, embracing them in a hug, tears filling my eyes. They hugged me, their warmth was everything I had needed for the last few weeks. The man let out a hearty chuckle as he made his way to the pot, adding spices and herbs to it, using a massive stick to mix it.

“Come child, drink and accept my offerings. Take my gift and spread it to everyone, let them all rejoice in my splendor.”

My mother laughed and my sister laughed with him, the voices echoing in my head “Drink.. yes.. join us.” Ringing over again as the man offered me a cup with the liquid. With a laugh and huff. I drank it.

I awoke to rays of sunlight glancing off my face through cracks in the cave walls, everything seemed brighter, I felt amazing. So full of energy, though where the pot and moss was just a bear cave and small piles of rubble laying about.

Springing from the cave, I made it back to my village with speed, the clear air filling my lungs, my hut just as I left it. Looking at it with a huff, It left me with vigor as I began repairing the roof, getting new straw from the small storage hole we had. A smile wide across my face.

That night as I lay in bed, staring out at the moon lit sky, the voice echoed in my head “Take my gift and spread it to everyone” wondering how I could help everyone, make them all like me.

The next morning as I walked through the village I spotted a few of the women weaving baskets as they talked to each other though as I eyed one a strange feeling came over me, as a lump formed in my throat, my sister and mothers voice echoing in my head. “Yes, bring her to meet him to meet the Father.”

“The father?” I thought, the man never told me his name, the confusion stricken across my face as It snapped me from my trance, the thought of bringing the young woman to the father never left my thoughts, almost like a nagging voice at the very back of my head. In Fact it kept me distracted for the rest of the day, before I knew it was night time once more as I lay in my bed, I tossed and turned the nagging and pleading to take that woman to him playing over and over.

Standing up the next morning after tossing and turning all night, I looked into the small well of water in our hut, I could see my skin had begun to sink in a touch, my skin looking less vibrant, there was more of a grayish touch to my complexion.

The vigor I once felt now gone replaced with drowsiness and fatigue, though the nagging was now ever louder almost compelling me to do as it said, I felt like a zombie that day, staying mostly in my hut, though I kept finding myself to the open window staring down towards that woman as the pressure built in my head the nagging clutching itself to my every thought.

That night I didn’t feel like myself, my breathing began to become loud and ragged as if I was falling back into my sickly state, I wanted to clear my head so I decided to go for a walk. The night seemed darker and more dull than the past few nights as the torches of the village kept a dull light across the dirt trails in front of me.

Movement caught my eye as I turned to see the young lady from before. She was outside her hut cleaning and sorting Vegetables for the next morning, my hands trembling as the nagging voice reverberated at the back of my head “Let her join us, let her have the gift”. My legs started moving on their own as if i was a puppet, slowly I made my way up behind her, my hands wrapping around her neck as I began choking her, there was a silent struggle against the night, she was kicking her legs out frantically, clawing at my arms and trying to break free. But it wasn’t enough as a raspy sigh of relief escaped my lips, in one sluggish movement I began dragging the unconscious girl towards the hills.

After some time, I could finally feel myself able to control my limbs as I dropped the girl falling to my knees with exhaustion, the dark night silent and unforgiving, I closed my eyes, Internally I wished I just let the sickness take me and let me be at peace.

But I would soon learn I would never know peace again, a thud landed beside me. The father stood above me in his twisted form, the beady eyes scanning me, his lips crudely twisted into a cracked smile. A raspy, Crooked voice echoed in the back of my head.

“Good…goooood, you have brought new materials for my gifts, you shall be rewarded handsomely, my child.. keep up your work and you will never know hunger or sickness..”

I felt sick. The sight made my stomach drop and I knew I was under this twisted demon’s control. The father made his way to the unconscious girl, with a flick of his wrist the make-shift pot appeared beside him, bubbling and popping with a disgusting ooze, the smell made me wretch as the father lifted the girl with an unseen force, as she was suspended above the pot. He lifted a rotted finger and at the tip a sickly green glow peaked out. With a small tap of her forehead it was like a wave of silence sprang out, all the nightlife fading out into nothingness…

But it was the screams that still torment me to this day, the young girl screaming out as her body began to decay, her skin falling off in slops into the pot, not even her bones remained once he was done as the pot bubbled to life almost as if jumping with joy to relieve a meal.

The father turned to me..”Now this girl has received my gifts.. she has joined me in internal freedom. Her body will help bear fruit to one of my greatest gifts, go my child-. bring me more fruits, bring more to feed my creation”

Just as he had said this, he had vanished leaving that sickly green mist in his wake. The sounds of the night returning to me and where the pot had been now only remained rubble. The next morning some had questioned the woman’s whereabouts but the elders argued that she had developed the sickness and her fate was in the hands of the gods.. but I knew it was no gods that had brought her comfort only the demon. only the father.

Days turned into weeks, every couple of days the compulsion took over me and I would bring the creature “New materials” as he called it, each time the pot would get bigger and bigger until I was the only one left, though my health returned after each person, only to fade as I tried to resist his grasp of me.

The final night I took a villager to him, was the night everything changed, as the sludge slid into the pot, I felt almost numb knowing my situation was in the hands of the Father. He finally turned to me and with an amused smile on his lips, it was twisted and wrong…

“It is ready, oh what a beautiful creation my child.. you shall spread my wonders to this world, everyone will receive my gifts”

The pot stopped shaking all of a sudden and by this time it was nearly the size of a man, though an odd buzzing eventually came from it as the father raised his hands to the sky, from deep within the ooze a strange bug crawled from the top, twitching and buzzing around. Over time I learned it was called a “Flea”

“Yes my child, you will take my gift and you will show this world how generous I truly am.”

The father spoke with the raspy tone, like nails on a board, as the buzzing grew to a roar a wave of these bugs poured over the top of the pot and up into the sky almost like they were ready to block out the moonlit sky, I sat frozen in horror, this wave of bugs poured toward me as if given a silent command, as they swarmed over me it was hundreds of tiny legs clawing at me as I finally discovered their goal.

The first crawled into my mouth and down my throat-.. closely followed by another and another until the whole swarm wanted a place within me, my throat ached as my body twitched and I clawed at my throat the only thing that escaped my lips with a wet grunt and gurgle as if the swarm was choking me greatly, I expected to feel them to tear my body to shreds but I felt.. at peace like they were always meant to be there.

Soon the compulsion had me wandering southwards towards the port towns. I had never seen a boat or anything like it, the smell of sea air for the first time but that was not my purpose. The compulsion I was under only wanted one thing: “Spread the gift, infect the world”. Finding a lonely corner street-. My body began to violently shake, feeling those tiny bugs forcing their way from within, as the wet gurgling left me once more.. Forcing me on my hands and knees. More spewing out until every last bug left me, they scuttled off looking for places to infect, from what I learned they jumped from rat to rat forcing them to be killed by predators, smart wee creatures.

That my dear reader is how I was the person who spread what you came to call “The black plague”. For over 10 years I watched as the plague took my home land then on to the new world.. England and France, causing so many deaths while I remained healthy and whole. The father left me alone for that time, happy with the chaos I was forced to spread. For 10 years I was able to remain whole and free to do as I wished. It was fun really, traveling to other countries learning new ways of living and dialects,  I traveled as a hermit staying in one place for a while watching your plague doctors try and fail to heal your ancestors. Then I would travel on once more. No need for food or rest, on the dawn of a new day I was like a new man, able to travel without question or reason.

But you humans had to go and ruin it for me, soon you came up with “Quarantine” keeping the sick with the sick, isolating the plague so it couldn’t spread. I was in the land you would later call Spain. That’s when I met him again, walking the trails as I made my way to the sea, The deep raspy voice echoed in my head as I cried out, thinking I had once and for all been freed.

“My child, your kin has found a way to stop my gift from spreading, it seems we need new materials, a better gift, one that won’t be easy to stop.”

So that’s what I did, for hundreds of years I would explore new lands, stealing innocent people for his twisted oozes. Stories and fables warning kids of the body snatcher came about, warning people of me but the amount of people I was forced to bring him, each new disease you managed to stop it, each time you all forced me to bring him more and more materials.

There was a time, close to the 1700s, that I tried to resist him. Oh I tried, no matter how run down and pale I looked… I resisted his call, resisted his compulsion. That was until my fingers began to fall off and the pain I was put in was unbearable, have you ever tried rotting from the inside out and not being able to die from it? No? I thought so, so don’t blame me for giving In.

Though I do have to give it to you humans, over my many years I have seen the wonders of development and advancement, though you have made my job A LOT harder, but you have also helped me in some ways all the war and drought, all the times you left the homeless to perish. It did feed him for a while , kept him off my back for a few years as he picked away at the rotting dead you left on the battle fields or the mass graves. Seriously you really did not care for your dead at times, no last rites…just pain and rot.

You may have seen some of our more recent works, the Spanish plague.. polio.. Ebola every couple of years he would force me to spread a new plague. Forcing me to watch as you all withered into the dirt. But in the much recent years you all had to deal with that “Covid 19” you all talk about, Yeah that was all me.

That one was easier to get the materials for, after all in China people go missing all time and not one word said about it, that communist party really does not care for the wellbeing of its people and to be honest… You chinese really like eating bats and rats, all it took was spewing ooze down a few rats mouths and the game was on. The one thing that did get to me though-.. Learning the language, that really took me some time to nail down, every region has some new dialect, some new way of saying the same word.

I did learn one thing during my years on this planet, the father.. He is actually a God believe it or not…born from chaos, one of those old gods pagans used to fear. Tricking people into thinking he cares about them, then getting them to do his bidding, promising you everything under the sun as long as you help him brew every plague, disease and sickness you can think about, over time he called us his “Harbingers” or his “Children”.

As you may have guessed, I’m not the only one, there’s several of us. Each one with their own territory, as one leaves for the next place-.. we all move. Never in the same place at one time…maximum coverage..

Before I came into the fold, he was only able to pull off small plagues, targeting small run down areas. That was easy for him, in my time there were no medical advancements, the best we did was pray to Gods and drink a cocktail of herbs and fruits, but the fathers ambitions grew to great-.. He was too hungry for just a small village here or there, he always craves more.

Though I’m just rambling on what I consider my final thoughts, it was nice to get this off my chest even though you can’t talk back to me, it was comforting…writing this all down.. but the improvement in your technology, it’s getting so hard for me to get the materials the Father requires, you have cameras everywhere watching everything, how do you call that freedom?…Every day I am in so much pain, rotting away more and more, right now my hand fell off just this morning.. my skin with large sores and holes everywhere, I don’t think I can much do this for much longer, seems like I have finally served my usefulness… it’s ironic but seems like I’ll be in your next disease, maybe I’ll find some rest but who knows? Catch you all later! He is calling for me…

Oh just remember.. never trust a man offering you strange gifts.. There is always a price to pay!

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Just an amateur, that wanted to give creepypastas a try :)

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