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1 min read

My Precious Little Boy

10 Stories 16 Followers
My Precious Little Boy

Eric, my precious little boy.

Just look at those precious eyes! They’re big and bulging out of their sockets, staring in opposite directions. He has such a nice face—sure, he’s missing a nose, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

Now, look at that wide smile and those white, clean teeth. I helped brush them yesterday; don’t they look nice? They look nice to me!

See that striped sweater of his? Yeah, I bought it for him at a thrift store, but he doesn’t seem to show any emotion towards me, even though I got him some good clothes.

I told my wife about our son, but she said something I wasn’t aware of:

“Dear, our child has been dead for years.”

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Author of Burnt Luigi, Sammy the Cat, and creator of the FNaF-fangame series titled Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s. I own a second YouTube channel titled JTS, where I host professional content and shows like Joseph's World.

I usually come here to post some stories of mine that are either famous and infamous, or, essentially, stories reposted and translated across the globe.

Please do not expect every story of mine to be here; if you wish to read more, you can do so on the Spiral Nightmares site hosted by Miraheze.

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