Deep Beneath Disney

This story is based off of the famous ABANDONED BY DISNEY creepypasta series that was made by Slimebeast
I won’t deny that anything creepy happens at Disney’s parks, in fact, quite the opposite. I believe in all the stories, all the urban myths and legends, I believe them because I have seen one. I know all the stories. People disappearing, strange scenery, animatronics moving on their own,out of place objects. More importantly, the Utilidors.
But this story takes place in a much deeper place, deep below the wretched facade of the family friendly mouse.
This story takes place in a world below the Utilidors, a place that a very low amount of people know about, and that even fewer believe in. I’m telling a story about a forgotten place, the rusted out halls of the long forgotten base that the Utilidors were built on. A place without a name, a place that has no blueprints, and no reference in the history of Disney World. However, for this story, to avoid confusion, I’ll be calling this rusted and rotted place the Crawlspace.
I first want to say that no, I am not the one who experienced this story,
This story, or rather the video I am talking about, was brought to my attention by my friend Oscar. I can’t imagine what it was like for him, keeping that old Panasonic camera, knowing full well what was on it. But what would he say? Who would believe him?
How many people would ignore him, or even how hard would Disney try to cover it up?
I guess that explains why he brought the old thing to me.
I want to mention that Oscar did warn me about the contents of the SD card from the camera, but what kind of skeptic would listen to such things? Why would I listen to him ramble on about what he had seen? I didn’t want to watch the recording, I thought it was fake, that there was probably just some stupid joke jumpscare on the card, but the way he reacted felt so genuine. I think the look of fear in his eyes was what made me watch it.
I put the SD card from the camera into my computer, and opened the files app. Four different files popped up. 3 videos and 1 “imports”. The first file was labeled “Roadtrip.MOV” I sighed, clicked on the .MOV file.
This is not a story where everything goes wrong right away. I won’t go into detail, mostly because I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will say this: things will go south,
and they will do it very fast.
The recording started. The camera was pointed to a piece of cardboard with little hands wrapped around the corners. The sign had colorful paint on it, yellow letters with alternating black and red outlines that spelled out “The Baileys go to Disney world!” This stayed for about 3 seconds before the screen cut to looking out a car window. The Baileys were on a very busy road. Cars were honking loudly, and there wasn’t much movement except the occasional slight tug forwards. A stern voice spoke from the driver’s seat. Probably the father of the family.
“Sophie. Put the camera away. You’ll drain the battery!”
I heard a girl’s voice sigh from behind the camera.
“Fine.” Sophie said, annoyed, and then the camera cut again.
The family had finally reached Disney world. Sophie, (who I figured out was the one recording) turned the camera towards a little boy with brown hair, who couldn’t have been older than six or seven years old. “Are you excited, Carter?” Sophie asked. The little boy just turned to the camera, and giggled loudly, wearing a big happy grin. This is where the first video ended.
I sighed, and clicked out of the video. “This sure is scary, Oscar.” I muttered to myself, sarcastically, clicking onto the next MOV file, labeled “MOUSE.MOV”
In this video, Sophie handed the camera to an eager Carter, who held it up to his face, beaming. I heard Sophie chuckle.
“No, silly! You hold it like this!” She said, adjusting the camera to face the other way. Now I could see the rest of the family, all of them wearing the iconic mickey ear hats. Sophie was tall, and her face was covered in freckles. She had thick black hair that was in a braid, and was wearing a Mickey Mouse jacket, the kind that has the character’s head as the hood.
“There’s my little cameraman!” The dad said. He was a rather fat man with a bald head. He had a thick mustache and beard, and was wearing a red shirt. He was smiling largely. If his mustache was a light gray instead of dark brown, I would have thought he was Santa Claus.
“Come here, carter!” The mother said, smiling. She was a short woman with crows feet that no amount of makeup could hide, and bright green eyes. She had thick black hair, and she was smiling happily as the little boy ran up to her. Her face got bigger as it got closer to the camera.
The camera cut again. Now, the family was watching a parade. Carter wasn’t holding the camera anymore. Instead, it was Sophie, who was recording from behind her mom and dad, holding Carters hand. She turned the camera to focus on the parade, zooming in on an actor in a Cinderella costume, before Carter suddenly shouted “MICKEY!”and began running off.
“Carter!” Sophie shouted, chasing her brother as he ran towards the dark alleyway between two of the cartoon styled buildings. As the camera bobbed and shook, I could swear I could see a mascot outline in the shadows. A gloved hand beckoning towards the little boy, who was giggling happily, until he looked at the outline.
The video cut to black as Carter started to scream.
I stared at the paused screen. The camera was too blurry to make out the character, but I assumed that by Carter’s shout, that it was Mickey, or at least some character that was similar.
I shook, confused and worried. What the hell happened next?
I hesitantly clicked onto the next file, a video labeled “BACKSTAGE.MOV”
The video was only a minute and twenty seconds long, and consisted of heavy, loud footsteps as whoever was holding the camera whistled, walking down the halls of the Utilidors. The person stopped, looking at the metal wall, and pulled out a mechanical screwdriver from off camera, holding it in their gloved hand before putting it in a rivet on the wall, unscrewing it, and repeating until the metal wall panel fell down with a loud resounding CLANG.
the gloved hand covered the camera lense, and, in a perfect mickey voice that slowly got deeper, said
“Who’s ready for something spectacular?”
The recording stopped there.
I must warn you that the rest of the contents of this story are very traumatizing. I still wake up at night thinking about it.
It’s… hard, putting what I saw on that final video file into words, but for the sake of warning everyone, or at least those who care, that I do.
This video (SMILEFORRICKEY.MOV) had a title card as well, drawn in a classic Walt Disney style, on a piece of cardboard. The sign read: “Rickey and friends in: SMILE” no, you did not read it incorrectly. It read “Rickey” instead of the name of the mouse that everyone knows all too well. The camera turned around, unveiling what that monster had done. Sophie was tied up, sitting in the middle of the cracked concrete floor that was covered in moldy, dried blood (although some of it looked fresh), surrounded by large TVs, some of them were stacked on the others, each one displaying the same damned black and white image. It was an image of Mickey Mouse’s face,but warped and distorted. Its eyes were small and off centered, and its mouth was filled with several large cartoon teeth, forming a disturbing grin. Above and below the face were the words “SMILE!”
Old, distorted music was playing faintly in the background as Sophie sat there, sobbing. I heard the cameraman talking, still using that mickey voice, only now it was deeper, menacing, and it had a slight slurring, like whoever was speaking had just barely woken up.
“Won’t you smile, Sophie?” The cameraman said, zooming in on the girls sobbing face. “Won’t you smile for Rickey?”
Sophie looked at the camera, sobbing. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” She shouted, her voice echoing loudly.
The cameraman spoke again, its voice now devoid of the mickey voice.
Its voice was deep, raspy, not at all like what it sounded before.
“Rickey doesn’t like it when people don’t smile.” It said,
”Rickey doesn’t like it at all.”
The camera turned around, and I gasped. I didn’t know what I was looking at. It looked like the one of mickey mascots that roamed around the park, only, the costumes mesh eyes seemed as if they had been carefully removed, with new fabric stitched over them, leaving only two black dots on its face. Its ear was torn, letting some sort of stuffing rest from the crack, and its mouth looked like someone had carved off the bottom half of the mask and replaced it with the goofy mascot’s jaws. To make it even worse, it looked like somebody went over the stitches with a dark red marker. I watched in horror as it spoke.
“Rickey can smile, see! Why can’t Sophie smile?!”
The camera turned around again, this time pointed at a blindfolded carter, smiling as he held the abomination’s hand. “Rickey” spoke again.
”Carter can smile! Carter can smile just like Rickey! Carter likes Rickey! Does Sophie not like Rickey?”
The camera turned to Sophie again, as Rickey slowly lost his grip. His voice slowly rose into a shout as it spoke.
“Smile for Rickey! Smile for Rickey! SMILE FOR RICKEY! SMILE FOR RICKY! SMILE F-“
Sophie shouted back.
Rickey zoomed in on Sophie’s face, it sounded like he was gritting its teeth.
“Rickey doesn’t see a smile.”
Sophie sobbed, her face slowly twitched before slowly turning into a smile.
Rickey seemed to calm down.
“See? Everybodies happy now! Rickey, Sophie, Carter! Happy, happy, happy!”
The camera slowly got closer and closer to Sophie as loud, clomping footsteps filled the halls. A gloved hand held out a knife, reaching behind Sophie as Rickey cut her free. Sophie wasted no time, grabbing Carter’s hand and running. Rickey sat the camera down, aiming it at the shadows of the kids as another loud clomping set of footprints could be heard. A shadow appeared in front of the shadows of Sophie and Carter. It was the shadow of the Goofy mascot. I hear Carter yell “Goofy!” Cheerfully as the shadow suddenly stopped moving. I could hear rugged, pug-like breathing. The mascot’s shadow slowly opened its mouth, revealing several thousands of darker shadows within its maw, a thousand razor sharp teeth.
The wall splattered with blood as the creature roared. I could hear Rickey laughing as Carter and Sophie screamed. Rickey picked up the camera again, only now, he looked different. His small black eyes now gleamed in the light, and in horror, I watched as the things mouth moved.
“Rickey’s guests never leave. Rickey’s guests don’t get to go home.
Rickey gets to keep them, splattered on the stones”
Rickey pointed the camera towards another mascot, The Goofy from before. Its mouth was dripping with blood, and so was the rest of it.
“Clean yourself up, Goofy,” Rickey said.
“And go find some lucky someone to keep a little gift.”
The camera cut to black, and suddenly cut back to the sunny park, pointing towards a man. Towards Oscar. Oscar waved at the camera, and a large, gloved hand beckoned towards him. Oscar walked forwards, grinning. He seemed to be looking at the cameraman intently. I could faintly see a finger pointing down to the camera and then at Oscar.
“You want to take a video with me?” Oscar asked, and the camera shook up and down. “Alright.” He said, taking the camera and flipping it around so that he could be seen with the mascot. He was taking a video with Goofy, grinning. “Hello! I’m here at Disney World with my family for the summer… I-”
I stopped listening to him, instead, I was focusing on something in the background. It was Sophie and Carter’s parents, shouting at a police officer and sobbing.
I found out just a few weeks ago that Oscar was murdered in his own home. The last thing I ever got from his address was a photo in the mail. It was a picture of Rickey, standing over Oscars corpse, and waving at the camera
I don’t know how, but that thing knew that Oscar had shown me it’s sick little tape, and I know that as I speak it and all the others from the crawlspace are after me. That is why I am putting down this story. That is why I refuse to forget.
The I refuse to let them silence the story they caused.
dammm… the story was lit.
Anyways when the copycats part-4 coming out???
I don’t know. It’s in the waiting queue though.