Open your closet, don’t turn on the light. Make sure you have one match with you. Step inside and close the door. If the lights outside of the closet are on, this will not work. Nor will it work if it is daylight. The only room you need is enough for slight mobility.
Stand in the darkness for about two minutes, since that’s all that’s needed. Now, take the match and hold it in front of you and say, “Show me the light or leave me in darkness.” If you begin hearing whispers light the match immediately. If you don’t hear anything, and the match doesn’t ignite on it’s own then don’t turn around. If you light the match too late or not at all after hearing whispers, something will grab you from behind and pull you into what seems like a forever fall into darkness.
If you do manage to light the match in time and nothing happens after, open the door slowly and get out, then close the door but do NOT look inside. From then on, never look inside your closet without the light on at all. Some say if you leave your closet open during the night you can see the demon watching you with two red eyes that glow like matches.
I loved it, but im curoius, what would happen if we looked into the closet????
Overall 8/10
Overall 7.5/10
oh thats pretty funny
I don’t ge it. Why are there so many people hating on it? How the hell did it even get past review in the first place?
a pretty strange story kinda like instructions to do something but for what purpose?
What is the motivation to do this? Add something good to get out of it, and this could be a good pasta
Feels like an alternate version to the midnight man creepypasta. =/ nice attempt but didnt really get me since it felt so similar.
um.. this is not a pasta its telling you how to play the elevator game
i feel like it was missing something. like a reason for this ritual
I’m already afraid of looking into the closet at nighttime so I’m good but good job!
1)It’s generic. Immensely so. Nothing original about it.
2)If you don’t give us a reason to do it, like a prize if we succeed (immortality, knowledge, power, a freaking soda can), then it’s a ritual of either eternal damnation or a demon that doesn’t want to admit their homoerotic feelings… So… Why do I want either of those, again…?
I really enjoyed it very good. 8/10
This is one of the few ritual pastas that are actually good
Nice job my friend
Tried it scared me to death I moved out of that house after
Short and sweet, awesome
I think that demon is me lol xD haven’t come out the closet just yet,
Very cool
Didn’t work for me, I only have a wardrobe. Furthermore, when I got in there imagine my shock to discover a lion and a witch already there.
Ok, so sad is a bit harsh but still. Ritual pastas open up so many opportunities to be unique and yet this one just followed some basic guideline for writing a ritual and I just don’t like it. There’s just so much that could’ve been done to make it better.
Wow! Seriously, dude how old are you. For god’s sake I’ve seen molded bread that sounded scarier.