
(24 stories)

A captivating exploration of objects bearing a malevolent legacy. These tales delve into the haunting artifacts, cursed relics, and enigmatic talismans that hold the power to unleash terror upon those who dare possess them. Brace yourself for journeys through time and space, where the macabre histories of these objects intertwine with the lives of their unfortunate owners. Prepare to uncover the chilling secrets behind these sinister artifacts, as their stories are revealed, and their darkness is unleashed upon the world.


New stories

Matinee of the Damned

Pluggy the Plug-In

Children Only Contest

Shutter Click

A Night in the Forest

The Runner


The Gypsies Coin

The Old Disney Home

The Real West Side Market


Top rated

Last Of The Sparks

Baby Doll

The Kaleidoscope

Jacob’s Dirt

Why Sarah Never Sleeps

My Pal Scout

Grad Night in the Haunted Mansion

The Gypsies Coin

The Girl in the Photograph

The Runner


Most viewed

Grad Night in the Haunted Mansion

Baby Doll

The Old Disney Home

The Girl in the Photograph

Why Sarah Never Sleeps

Jacob’s Dirt

The Kaleidoscope

The Tape

Last Of The Sparks

Mary Thompson