
(322 stories)

An exploration of the uncanny and the monstrous. These tales unveil entities born from the depths of our darkest nightmares, introducing beings whose existence defies logic and rattles the foundations of our understanding. Prepare for a chilling encounter with the unknown.


New stories

But Something Changed 

Dust And Flesh

My Old Stomping Grounds

Hand Prints

I Always Hated Partner Projects

I Don’t Light Christmas Candles Anymore

Christmas at the Gas Station

Parasites Website

Camp High Hope

Found on the Personal Laptop of Det. Art Spooner


Top rated


by Steven Shorter


The Face of Fear


Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb

Midnight Dancer

It Has No Face

The Strangers

Within the Darkness


Most viewed

Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb


The Origin of Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb

The Licked Hand

White with Red


The Rake


“I’m Not Braindaddy!”

The Expressionless