
(307 stories)

A descent into the maelstrom of the unhinged mind. These tales traverse the precipice of sanity, exploring the chaotic abyss where reality disintegrates and reason loses its dominion. Brace yourself for a disquieting voyage into the heart of insanity.


New stories

My New Perfect Girlfriend Rose

Hand Prints

I Always Hated Partner Projects

Matinee of the Damned

Beware Moose Estates

The Depths

Christmas at the Gas Station

Pluggy the Plug-In

Nobody Can Help My Brother Now, Not Even God

The Family of Gold


Top rated

NoEnd House

The Russian Sleep Experiment



by Steven Shorter

My Daughter Died On Her Sixth Birthday…


The Illusive Genius of Dr. Monroe

Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb


Baby Monitors


Most viewed

Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb

Gateway of the Mind

The Origin of Laughing Jack

by SnuffBomb


The Basement

Squidward’s Suicide


The Eighth Floor

9 Year old Edward and the Shadow Man

Baby Monitors