About me
I have plans,but until I fully figure them out,you'll just have to wait.it could be an ARG,or some stories.I know some of you will love what I'm working on.
I’m weird,ADHD-ridden night-terror-stricken,possibly autistic,and have spent years in mental facilities.My sanity’s questionable,but it’s mostly my ADHD.I get really serverly to people I love and care about,so I’m a work in progress.Please don’t judge me negatively
I'm serious about everything,except the sanity part.I’m just confused.If you think I’m just an “edgy kid,” yeah,maybe.But remember,I grew up in the creepypasta explosion,things like this were everywhere.so Blame that tall fucker slenderman.I hope I left an impression.I’ll link everything here when I’m ready!